Can light be a reference frame?

Can light be a reference frame? In all reference frames that actually exist, light travels through space and time in a normal way just like any other object. According to Special Relativity, as a frame goes faster, it shortens more in the direction of motion, relative to the stationary observer. How did Einstein know that […]

Why did the ball roll when laid on the floor?

Why did the ball roll when laid on the floor? because the friction present between the surface pushes the atoms/particles in contact with surface or ground backwards, hence with centre of mass moving in a direction, the ball’s bottom surface(ie. The surface in contact) moves in opposite direction or backwards, causing the ball to roll. […]

What is the CMS system?

What is the CMS system? A Content Management System, or CMS, is a piece of software designed to help users create and edit a website. They have evolved to help design the look of websites, track user sessions, handle searches, collect visitor comments, host forums and much much more. What is CMS LHC? The Compact […]

What month do geese fly south?

What month do geese fly south? Late spring or early summer is typically when you’ll notice geese flying north in that famous V pattern (which they use to save energy as it reduces wind drag on the geese not at the tip of the V). September and early November is typically when geese begin flying […]

Can you fly through a tornado?

Can you fly through a tornado? Flying through a tornado could destroy an airplane; pilots avoid all thunderstorms — particularly those producing tornadoes — by a wide margin. Is a tornado more dangerous than a hurricane? While both types of storms are capable of producing destructive winds, tornadoes can become stronger than hurricanes. The most […]

Which is more elastic glass or steel?

Which is more elastic glass or steel? The Coefficient of elasticity of glass is between 50 and 90; the Coefficient of elasticity of steel is 210; the Coefficient of elasticity of Copper is 120. Therefore, the rubber is more elastic than glass and glass is more elastic than copper and copper is more elastic than […]

What are the basic differences and similarities between a generator and an electric motor What are the basic differences and similarities between a generator and an electric motor?

What are the basic differences and similarities between a generator and an electric motor What are the basic differences and similarities between a generator and an electric motor? Both the motor and generator are similar in construction; they consist of a stator and rotor parts. However, in a motor, electrical energy is the input, while […]

What will happen if the air pressure increases?

What will happen if the air pressure increases? For example, if air pressure increases, the temperature must increase. If air pressure decreases, the temperature decreases. It also explains why air gets colder at higher altitudes, where pressure is lower. Which prediction is most likely when the air pressure increases? If air pressure rises, a high […]

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