Why is shale gas bad?

Why is shale gas bad? But US researchers found that shale gas wells leak substantial amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This makes its climate impact worse than conventional gas, they say – and probably worse than coal as well. Is shale gas a renewable resource? Shale gas is non-renewable, and also polluting but […]

At what point is acceleration the greatest?

At what point is acceleration the greatest? Neglecting air resistance for the moment, the remaining force is that of gravity which is always g and directed downward. So the acceleration at the highest point is the same as at launch time, i.e. -9.8 meters/sec2 in the vertical direction. What is the acceleration just before it […]

What are the three basic types of bridges?

What are the three basic types of bridges? Bridges can be found in a variety of shapes, but 3 basic designs rule the day; beam, arch, and suspension. What are the main parts of a bridge? The main components of a bridge are the foundation, substructure, and the superstructure. Each of these core areas have […]

Is a change of temperature a chemical reaction?

Is a change of temperature a chemical reaction? A change in temperature is characteristic of a chemical change. If temperature increases, as it does in most reactions, a chemical change is likely to be occurring. This is different from the physical temperature change. During a physical temperature change, one substance, such as water is being […]

How do neutrons kill?

How do neutrons kill? Since neutrons are scattered and absorbed by air, neutron radiation effects drop off rapidly with distance in air. The intense pulse of high-energy neutrons generated by a neutron bomb is the principal killing mechanism, not the fallout, heat or blast. Does a neutron bomb exist? A neutron bomb is actually a […]

What causes automatic transmission to jerk when shifting?

What causes automatic transmission to jerk when shifting? Automatic transmissions that shift hard, jerk or shake during a shift change may mean your transmission fluid needs changed or fluid level is low. In manual transmission vehicles, abnormal gear shifts could indicate damaged gear synchros, worn clutches or other, more severe issues. Why does my car […]

How do you calculate a mix ratio?

How do you calculate a mix ratio? Divide 1 by the total number of parts (water + solution). For example, if your mix ratio is 8:1 or 8 parts water to 1 part solution, there are (8 + 1) or 9 parts. The mixing percentage is 11.1% (1 divided by 9). How do you calculate […]

What makes hair follicles grow?

What makes hair follicles grow? Your hair begins growing from a root in the bottom of the follicle. Blood from the blood vessels in your scalp feeds the root, which creates more cells and makes the hair grow. How can I reopen my hair follicles naturally? Their proven benefits can help to stimulate growth and […]

Why is light red shifted?

Why is light red shifted? Light behaves like a wave, so light from a luminous object undergoes a Doppler-like shift if the source is moving relative to us. However, to be accurate, the red shifts observed in distant objects are not exactly due to the Doppler phenomenon, but are rather a result of the expansion […]

Why tidal energy is bad?

Why tidal energy is bad? Intermittent: Tidal energy can only be produce electricity during tidal surges, limiting electricity generation to 10 hours per day. Expensive: Technology for generating electricity from tidal energy is relatively new and not yet commercially profitable. Tidal power plants are also expensive to build and maintain. Why is tidal power not […]

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