Is entropy positive or negative? Entropy, S, is a state function and is a measure of disorder or randomness. A positive (+) entropy change means an increase in disorder. The universe tends toward increased entropy. All spontaneous change occurs with an increase in entropy of the universe. Why is entropy generation always positive? A measure […]
At what position is valve timing set?
At what position is valve timing set? Every time we assemble a four stroke engine we have to set the valve timing. It’s quite simple but very important ! Set the engine at Top-Dead-Center (TDC) of the compression stroke, set the timing marks on the cam and you are done. What happens if valve timing […]
Who was the first person to study psychology?
Who was the first person to study psychology? Wilhelm Wundt opened the Institute for Experimental Psychology at the University of Leipzig in Germany in 1879. This was the first laboratory dedicated to psychology, and its opening is usually thought of as the beginning of modern psychology. Indeed, Wundt is often regarded as the father of […]
Is an LED a passive component?
Is an LED a passive component? Some examples of active devices include solenoids, relays, LEDs, and microcontrollers or any other integrated chip that uses an external supply voltage (or current) to perform work or the intended function. LEDs are light emitting diodes, and we state above that diodes are considered passive. What are the different […]
How many chromosomes does meiosis start with?
How many chromosomes does meiosis start with? 46 chromosomes Are cells haploid after meiosis? By the end of meiosis, the resulting reproductive cells, or gametes, each have 23 genetically unique chromosomes. The overall process of meiosis produces four daughter cells from one single parent cell. Each daughter cell is haploid, because it has half the […]
How does a thermos keep the liquid inside of it warm?
How does a thermos keep the liquid inside of it warm? A thermos is a bottle with a double-walled container inside of it. The air between the two walls is sucked out during construction, creating a vacuum. Instead of containing some kind of heating element to keep hot things hot, a thermos is designed to […]
What is magnetic field how can the direction?
What is magnetic field how can the direction? The direction of magnetic field at a place can be determined by using a compass needle. A compass needle need place near a magnet gets deflected due to the magnetic force exerted by the magnet. The north an the needle of the compass indicates the direction of […]
What tool is used to measure the volume of an object?
Can I get good at math?
What is fission explain with example?
What is fission explain with example? many single celled organisms like protozoa and bacteria just splits into 2 identical halves during cell division leading to the creation of new organisms. this is called fission. fission is of two types : binary fission – eg: amoeba, paramecium , multiple fission – eg: plasmodium. Where is fission […]