What is the Mid Atlantic Ridge and why is it important? Mid-ocean ridges are geologically important because they occur along the kind of plate boundary where new ocean floor is created as the plates spread apart. Thus the mid-ocean ridge is also known as a “spreading center” or a “divergent plate boundary.” The plates spread […]
What are the 3 scientific attitudes?
What are the 3 scientific attitudes? In summary, the scientific attitude is composed of 3 main ideas: curiosity, skepticism, and humility. These 3 main components help to create a sort of a frameork, or guideline for aspiring scientists. What are the scientific attitudes and values? To be scientific mean that one has such attitudes as […]
What is 98 100 as a percentage?
What happens if you force magnets together?
What happens if you force magnets together? In other words, if you hold two magnets together so that like-poles are close together (two norths OR two souths), they repel. When two like-poles point together, the arrows from the two magnets point in OPPOSITE directions and the field lines cannot join up. So the magnets will […]
How many molecules are in a mole?
How many molecules are in a mole? The mole is represented by Avogadro’s number, which is 6.022×1023 atoms or molecules per mol. What is silica composed of? Silica (quartz): Silica, SiO2, is a chemical compound that is composed of one silicon atom and two oxygen atoms. It appears naturally in several crystalline forms, one of […]
Which among Following is a noble gas?
Are rainbows at night rare?
Are rainbows at night rare? The moon is the key, just as sunlight produces rainbows during the day, moonlight can produce rainbows at night. Moonbows are rare because moonlight is not very bright. A bright moon near to full is needed, it must be raining opposite the moon, the sky must be dark and the […]
What rollercoaster has the longest drop?
What rollercoaster has the longest drop? Kingda Ka How do drop towers slow down? And as Lenz’s law states, that magnetic field opposes the motion of the magnets. As a result, the magnetic field pushes up against the seat, causing the cart to slow down. This is how a drop tower ride’s magnetic brakes work. […]
Is upward positive or negative?
Is upward positive or negative? We consider the direction of gravity as positive and the upward direction as negative. Displacement is positive below the starting point and negative above. Velocity is positive in a downward direction and negative when going upward. For horizontal motion, right is positive and left is negative. Is lift an upward […]
Can oil in water be separated by decanting?
Can oil in water be separated by decanting? Decantation can be used to separate immiscible liquids that have different densities. For example, when a mixture of water and oil is present in a beaker, a distinct layer between the two consistency is formed, with the oil layer floating on top of the water layer. How […]