Do dreams really mean anything Psychology Today?

Do dreams really mean anything Psychology Today? The theory states that dreams don’t actually mean anything. Instead they’re merely electrical brain impulses that pull random thoughts and imagery from our memories. However, renowned psychologist Sigmund Freud thought otherwise. He believed that dreams revealed unconsciously repressed conflicts or wishes. Are your dreams telling you something? Dreams […]

What is the fastest walking speed?

What is the fastest walking speed? In 2017, British Olympian Tom Bosworth broke a world record when he race-walked 1 mile in a speedy 5 minutes and 31 seconds. Amazing, right? But as you might imagine, Olympic race-walkers move much faster than most people. What pace is 3 mph? Popular Road Race Distances mph 1km […]

Did Spain Help in the American Revolution?

Did Spain Help in the American Revolution? Spain contributed to the American Revolution from the onset by secretly providing money, gunpowder and supplies to the Americans. Clearly Spain, one of the world’s largest colonial powers, had a lot to lose by openly supporting colonial revolution in Britain’s colonies. What does England call the Revolutionary War? […]

Is Atropia real?

Is Atropia real? You’ve never heard of Atropia? Well, it’s a fictitious country created by the U.S. Army. Like many real-world combat deployments, soldiers parachute out of the massive C-17 Globemaster into Atropia. What is Pineland? : land naturally dominated by pine forests. What is Atropia based on? The fictitious countries of Donovia and Atropia […]

What is a cycle in a Hertz?

What is a cycle in a Hertz? It is measured in hertz (Hz), an international unit of measure where 1 hertz is equal to 1 cycle per second. Hertz (Hz) = One hertz is equal to one cycle per second. Cycle = One complete wave of alternating current or voltage. Alternation = One half of […]

Is carbon dioxide is not an air pollutant?

Is carbon dioxide is not an air pollutant? Summary: Rising carbon dioxide levels from burning fossil fuels have been linked to sea level changes, snowmelt, disease, heat stress, severe weather, and ocean acidification. Yet because it does not affect respiration directly, carbon dioxide is not considered a classic air pollutant. What atmosphere will have the […]

What is a positive terminal and negative terminal?

What is a positive terminal and negative terminal? Electrical polarity is a term used throughout industries and fields that involve electricity. There are two types of poles: positive (+) and negative (−). This represents the electric potential at the ends of a circuit. A battery has a positive terminal (+ pole) and a negative terminal […]

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