Is nitrogen harmful to humans?

Is nitrogen harmful to humans? High concentrations of nitrogen gas can be particularly harmful to human health. Nitrogen can displace oxygen from ambient air within an enclosed space leading to a dangerous build-up of the inert gas. Is nitrogen safe to consume? Liquid nitrogen, although non-toxic, can cause severe damage to skin and internal organs […]

What are the types of radio stations?

What are the types of radio stations? Different types of radio Conventional FM: As previously mentioned, conventional FM is a popular technology in analog radio. MPT1327: Perhaps the most widely used analog trunking technology today is called MPT 1327. Tetra: As the world becomes more digital, a number of digital radio technologies have emerged. Who […]

How are the two variables associated with each other?

How are the two variables associated with each other? Association between two variables means the values of one variable relate in some way to the values of the other. Association is usually measured by correlation for two continuous variables and by cross tabulation and a Chi-square test for two categorical variables. What can be used […]

Where is surface area used in real life?

Where is surface area used in real life? Real Life Applications of Surface Area Example 2. You could use surface area to find out how much cardboard makes up a box. Video. You could use surface area to find out how much paint is needed to paint a house. Example 3. You could use surface […]

What happens when a capacitor is short circuited?

What happens when a capacitor is short circuited? A short circuit here means that there is no resistance (impedance) between the two terminals of the shorted capacitor. The vertical wire drawn next to the vertical capacitor shorts the two terminals of the capacitor. This means you can ignore the shorted capacitor — it has no […]

What RMS stands for on Titanic?

What RMS stands for on Titanic? Royal Mail Ship What is rms medical condition? Overview. Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a rare type of cancer that forms in soft tissue — specifically skeletal muscle tissue or sometimes hollow organs such as the bladder or uterus. RMS can occur at any age, but it most often affects children. […]

What is difference matter and substance?

What is difference matter and substance? Answer. anything which occupies space and has mass is called matter. But the that has specific composition and chemical characteristics is substance. What is the substance of matter? substance: A form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. It is composed of one type of atom […]

What is the benefit of going to the moon?

What is the benefit of going to the moon? By successfully establishing a presence on the Moon, we will enhance life on Earth and prepare to explore the rest of our solar system — and beyond! Keeping astronauts healthy in a lower-gravity and higher-radiation environment than Earth is an important challenge for medical researchers. What […]

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