What are the final stages of FTD?

What are the final stages of FTD? In late stage FTD symptoms include: A gradual reduction in speech, culminating in mutism. Hyperoral traits. Failure or inability to make motor responses to verbal commands. Akinesia (loss of muscle movement) and rigidity with death due to complications of immobility. What are the final stages of frontotemporal dementia? […]

What is magnitude of the image?

What is magnitude of the image? in magnetic resonance imaging, an image formed from the amplitude of the signal, distinct from the phase information. What is the importance of magnitude and phase? Both the magnitude and the phase functions are necessary for the complete reconstruction of an image from its Fourier transform. Figure(1. 5a) shows […]

How 2020 is a unique leap year?

How 2020 is a unique leap year? 2020 is a unique Leap Year. It has 29 days in February, 300 days in March and 5 years in April. May may never never end end. Why is February called February? February is named after an ancient Roman festival of purification called Februa. The Roman calendar originally […]

What are the 5 steps of an action potential?

What are the 5 steps of an action potential? The action potential can be divided into five phases: the resting potential, threshold, the rising phase, the falling phase, and the recovery phase. How does a neuron get activated? A neuron is activated by other neurons to which it is connected. In turn, its own activation […]

Is rural living safe?

Is rural living safe? Compared to cities and suburban areas, rural locations are the most dangerous places to live. A study found that “your risk of death is actually about 22 percent higher in the most rural counties in America than in the most urban ones.” Death rates in the exurbs are higher for a […]

Are Finns Nordic or Slavic?

Are Finns Nordic or Slavic? Finns are North Europeans, closely related to Estonians and Swedes-Norwegians, but also to North Russian and Baltic people. Via N male ancestry, which is Finnic. They are neither Slavic nor Scandinavian but because of Finland’s close history to Sweden, they are most likely closer to Scandinavian. What would happen if […]

Can you drive in freezing rain?

Can you drive in freezing rain? Don’t drive, if you don’t have to. If you are aware of freezing rain conditions, stay home. Even with the reduction of speed, slick conditions like freezing rain just means that you will slide slower across the ice-ridden roads. Is driving with sleet dangerous? One of the reasons it […]

How do you identify uranium?

How do you identify uranium? Uranium is a silvery-gray metallic weakly radioactive chemical element. It has the chemical symbol U and atomic number 92. The most common isotopes in natural uranium are 238U (99.27%) and 235U (0.72%). What is the most common use for uranium? A radioactive, silvery metal. Uranium is a very important element […]

Why does an apple look green?

Why does an apple look green? Green apples appear green because of chlorophyll in the peel. In red apples, the colour of chlorophyll is masked by the presence of anthocyanins, which are red in colour. Interestingly, anthocyanins accumulate in vacuoles, while the chlorophylls are present in chloroplasts of apple peel cells. Why is the color […]

What is not considered during sprint planning?

What is not considered during sprint planning? Sprint planning can become ineffective when your team does not have a properly refined product backlog from which to draw product backlog items. Another issue arises when you don’t establish a specific goal for the sprint and wind up with a set of unrelated items that the team […]

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