Is asexual reproduction better or sexual?

Is asexual reproduction better or sexual? Sexual mode of reproduction is considered to be better than the asexual mode of reproduction. This is because, in asexual reproduction, the only single parent gives rise to another offspring which is exactly similar to the parent as it passes its genetic material to the offspring. Why is sexual […]

What are questioning techniques?

What are questioning techniques? Questioning techniques – a set of methods used by teachers when asking questions, such as wait time and bounce. Experienced teachers recognise the power of questions. When skilfully delivered, questions boost student engagement, improve understanding and promote critical thinking. What are the components of questioning? The components of a question Subject […]

Is fungus a virus or bacteria?

Is fungus a virus or bacteria? Fungi are more complicated organisms than viruses and bacteria—they are “eukaryotes,” which means they have cells. Of the three pathogens, fungi are most similar to animals in their structure. What’s the difference between a parasite and a virus? Bacteria and viruses can live outside of the human body (such […]

What happens if an atom is destroyed?

What happens if an atom is destroyed? Destroying matter and destroying an atom are two different things. As the basic laws of conservation of mass and energy goes. Matter cannot be created, nor be destroyed but it changes its form from matter to energy. In the destruction of an atom (fission), the components of an […]

Who is the God of werewolves?

Who is the God of werewolves? Lycaon, in Greek mythology, a legendary king of Arcadia. Traditionally, he was an impious and cruel king who tried to trick Zeus, the king of the gods, into eating human flesh. Who was the first ever werewolf? King Lycaon Is lycanthropy a real disease? Clinical lycanthropy is a very […]

What are the main parts of electric motor?

What are the main parts of electric motor? Different Parts of an Electric Motor and Their Function A power supply – mostly DC for a simple motor. Field Magnet – could be a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. An Armature or rotor. Commutator. Brushes. Axle. What are 3 parts of an electric motor? No matter […]

How far can you kick a ball?

How far can you kick a ball? While some weaker placekickers may have trouble kicking field goals longer than 30 yards (making field goals from beyond the 13 difficult), others may consistently make 50-yarders, making it practical to kick from beyond the 33. For most NFL kickers, the 35-yard line is typically the limit of […]

How do I manage my daily routine?

How do I manage my daily routine? How to make an effective daily schedule in 5 steps Start your day with your most important work. Map out your perfect daily schedule according to your personal “productivity curve” Use “time blocking” to switch from being reactive to in control of your time. Set your availability to […]

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