What are questioning techniques?

What are questioning techniques? Questioning techniques – a set of methods used by teachers when asking questions, such as wait time and bounce. Experienced teachers recognise the power of questions. When skilfully delivered, questions boost student engagement, improve understanding and promote critical thinking. What are the components of questioning? The components of a question Subject […]

Is fungus a virus or bacteria?

Is fungus a virus or bacteria? Fungi are more complicated organisms than viruses and bacteria—they are “eukaryotes,” which means they have cells. Of the three pathogens, fungi are most similar to animals in their structure. What’s the difference between a parasite and a virus? Bacteria and viruses can live outside of the human body (such […]

What frequency is 75 meters?

What frequency is 75 meters? All Frequencies in MHz 160 Meters: 1.885, 1.900, 1.945, 1.985 75 Meters: 3.825, 3.870 (West Coast), 3.880, 3.885 40 Meters: 7.290, 7.295 20 Meters: 14.286 Is 80 meters upper or lower sideband? Lower sideband (LSB)–The common single-sideband operating mode on the 40, 80 and 160-meter amateur bands. Upper sideband (USB)–The […]

What frequency means?

What frequency means? Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. It is also referred to as temporal frequency, which emphasizes the contrast to spatial frequency and angular frequency. Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz) which is equal to one event per second. What happens to pitch when frequency […]

Were there any omnivorous dinosaurs?

Were there any omnivorous dinosaurs? Only a few of the known dinosaurs were omnivores (eating both plants and animals). Some examples of omnivores are Ornithomimus and Oviraptor, which ate plants, eggs, insects, etc. Does not eating meat make your skin better? Beyond just helping with stubborn pimples, going vegan can also improve your complexion, said […]

Is fission or fusion more dangerous?

Is fission or fusion more dangerous? In 2019, National Geographic described nuclear fusion as the “holy grail for the future of nuclear power.” Not only would it produce more energy more safely, it would also produce far less harmful radioactive waste than fission, from which weapons-grade material in spent fuel rods taking millions of years […]

What are two functions of introns?

What are two functions of introns? Functions Associated with the Genomic Intron Transcription initiation. Introns modify the expression level of their host gene in many different ways, and underpinning the mechanism is of major challenge in every specific case. Transcription termination. Genome organization. Nested genes. What are some characteristics of introns? An intron is a […]

What is max current?

What is max current? Ampacity is defined as the maximum current, in amperes, that a conductor can carry continuously under the conditions of use without exceeding its temperature rating. Also described as current-carrying capacity. Electric current flowing through them causes voltage drop and power dissipation, which heats conductors. How do you find the maximum and […]

What does 50% lung capacity mean?

What does 50% lung capacity mean? Likewise, if your FEV1 is 50%, your lungs are able to handle only half as much air as they should. If your FEV1 is 33%, your lungs are able to handle even less—only a third as much. The lower your FEV1 percentage, the less air your lungs are able […]

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