How do plants lift water? Hydraulic lift is the passive movement of water from roots into soil layers with lower water potential, while other parts of the root system in moister soil layers, usually at depth, are absorbing water. What is hydraulic conductivity used for? Hydraulic conductivity is a physical property which measures the ability […]
What crimes fall under concurrent jurisdiction?
What crimes fall under concurrent jurisdiction? Therefore, federal and state courts may have concurrent jurisdiction over specific crimes. For example, a person who robs a bank may be tried and convicted in state court for robbery, then tried and convicted in federal court for the federal offense of robbery of a federally-chartered savings institution. When […]
Who is famous for playing the clarinet?
Who is famous for playing the clarinet? Famous Classical Clarinetists The clarinet is an integral part of any symphony orchestra and the list of notable clarinetists is lengthy. Among twentieth century musicians, three of the most-mentioned are Martin Frost, Sabine Meyer, and Richard Stoltzman. Is clarinet the hardest instrument to play? The clarinet is no […]
Is human eye better than camera?
Is human eye better than camera? Most current digital cameras have 5-20 megapixels, which is often cited as falling far short of our own visual system. This is based on the fact that at 20/20 vision, the human eye is able to resolve the equivalent of a 52 megapixel camera (assuming a 60° angle of […]
What are the two main types of calorimeter?
What are the two main types of calorimeter? Some of the most common types are adiabatic calorimeters, oxygen bomb calorimeters, and differential scanning calorimeters (DSC). An adiabatic calorimeter is used to measure a “runaway reaction”, any heat generated by the sample under test causes the sample to increase in temperature, fueling the reaction. How do […]
Which of the following relations is correct for permeability?
How do you find the buoyant force of a balloon?
How does electricity flow in a circuit draw an open circuit?
How does electricity flow in a circuit draw an open circuit? The electric circuit in which there is a gap in the connections between the terminals of the cell, wires and the bulb, etc is called an open circuit (or incomplete circuit). Electricity does not flow through an open circuit because there is a gap […]
What happens when stomata are open?
What happens when stomata are open? When stomata are open, water vapor and other gases, such as oxygen, are released into the atmosphere through them. A number of factors can affect the exchange of gases between a leaf and the atmosphere. What allows stomata to open and close? Specialized cells known as guard cells surround […]
Is it safe to run a dehumidifier constantly all the time?
Is it safe to run a dehumidifier constantly all the time? No, it is not necessary to run your dehumidifier all the time. You should only run your unit when the humidity level is above 50 percent. Collecting water constantly with a dehumidifier does really help you maintain the temperature and relative humidity at an […]