Is water chemical energy?

Is water chemical energy? Water, like many substances, contains two kinds of energy. The first kind of energy is called kinetic energy. This is energy that is used during the execution of processes, such as movement. Because of kinetic energy water can flow and waves can exist. What form is energy stored in the human […]

What is the lunar day today?

What is the lunar day today? Lunar calendar for today May 7, Friday Today is the Ekadashi day by vedic tradition Moon void of course from 7:36 AM till 11:52 AM 26 lunar day Waning Moon Symbol: Swamp What lunar day means? A lunar day is the period of time for Earth’s Moon to complete […]

What is the Joule equal to?

What is the Joule equal to? One joule equals the work done (or energy expended) by a force of one newton (N) acting over a distance of one meter (m). One newton equals a force that produces an acceleration of one meter per second (s) per second on a one kilogram (kg) mass. Therefore, one […]

Where does the sun go when it sets?

Where does the sun go when it sets? Answer: The Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars all rise in the east and set in the west. And that’s because Earth spins — toward the east. Where does the moon rise if the Earth rotates counter clockwise? The Earth rotates counter-clockwise on its axis […]

Will we run out of rocket fuel?

Will we run out of rocket fuel? So no, it is literally impossible to run out of modern rocket fuel, as we basically reuse it (when burned, turned into water vapour, rains down, we collect it and separate it into the two gasses, which can then be burned again. We will only run out of […]

Will a microwave explode?

Will a microwave explode? The water in their body heats up due to molecular resonance with the microwaves. Their eyeballs may explode from the pressure build-up as the water in them turns to steam with nowhere to escape. After a few minutes the heat will have penetrated deep into their bodies, causing their internal organs […]

What is the correct order for Organisational planning?

What is the correct order for Organisational planning? There are four phases of a proper organizational plan: strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency. Each phase of planning is a subset of the prior, with strategic planning being the foremost. What is the overall focus of strategic planning? Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is […]

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