What is U value of insulation?

What is U value of insulation? A U-value is a sum of the thermal resistances of the layers that make up an entire building element – for example, a roof, wall or floor. It also includes adjustments for any fixings or air gaps. Is it better to have a higher or lower thermal conductivity? A […]

Why is NO2 not a greenhouse gas?

Why is NO2 not a greenhouse gas? Neither nitric oxide nor nitrogen dioxide are greenhouse gases, although they are important in the process of creation of tropospheric ozone which is a greenhouse gas. Because of this, there is general agreement that the atmospheric sources and sinks of nitrous oxide are difficult to bring into balance. […]

How do igneous rocks look like?

How do igneous rocks look like? Extrusive, or volcanic, igneous rocks look dull and do not sparkle much because they are fine grained. These crystals make a coarse-grained igneous rock called plutonic, or intrusive, igneous rock because the magma was intruded into cracks deep under the earth’s surface. What type of rock is granite? Granite […]

Can a tuning fork go out of tune?

Can a tuning fork go out of tune? No, you can’t whack a fork too hard and make it ring out of tune! It will have been like that from the factory. You can re-tune a fork that is flat by grinding of some material from the ends of both forks. grind it a tiny […]

Is angular momentum conserved rolling without slipping?

Is angular momentum conserved rolling without slipping? In rolling motion without slipping, a static friction force is present between the rolling object and the surface. A rigid rotating body has angular momentum directed along the axis of rotation. 11.4: Conservation of Angular Momentum. In the absence of external torques, a system’s total angular momentum is […]

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