What is a good water quality index?

What is a good water quality index? The index ranges from 1 to 100; a higher number indicates better water quality. The WQI graphs show lavender for low concern, light yellow for moderate concern, and red for high concern or poor water quality. What is Bangladesh standard for drinking water quality? Advocate for a review […]

Is 50 Cent or 50 greater?

Is 50 Cent or 50 greater? 50 degrees Celsius is hotter than 50 degrees F. 50 degrees Celsius is half way between freezing and boiling. Which is greater 50 Celsius or 50 F? Because in Kelvin scale 50°C is equivalent to 323K while 50°F is equivalent to 283K. That is why 50°C is greater than […]

Can a burnt out light bulb?

Can a burnt out light bulb? Regardless of the bulb type, if your light bulbs keep burning out long before they should, it’s time to investigate. There are many possible reasons why a light bulb burns out quickly: The power supply voltage may be too high. Bulbs may be loose or connected improperly. How do […]

Which would have the longer period pendulum A?

Which would have the longer period pendulum A? How does the length of a pendulum’s string affect its period? (Answer: A pendulum with a longer string has a longer period, meaning it takes a longer time to complete one back and forth cycle when compared with a pendulum with a shorter string. What length pendulum […]

Do objects float better in hot or cold water?

Do objects float better in hot or cold water? Cooling a substance causes molecules to slow down and get slightly closer together, occupying a smaller volume that results in an increase in density. Hot water is less dense and will float on room-temperature water. Cold water is more dense and will sink in room-temperature water. […]

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