Why do roller coasters feel faster than cars? ELI5: why does going 60mph on a roller coaster feel so different than going 60mph in a car? Because 1) they’re open so you feel the wind and 2) they don’t go in long, straight lines. They go all over and throw you left, right, up, and […]
What is the most heat conductive liquid?
What is the most heat conductive liquid? Water Why is heat transfer important for thermal fluid design? The key point behind heat transfer fluid technology is the ability to generate high temperatures at low system pressures. Heat transfer fluid technology offers safety, low maintenance, and extending operating lifetimes when compared to traditional technologies such as […]
Why do magnets align in the north south direction?
Why do magnets align in the north south direction? Magnetism | Short/Long Answer Questions Solution: A freely suspended magnet always rests in the north-south direction because the magnetic south pole of the earth lies in the geographic north direction and the magnetic north pole of the earth lies in the geographical south direction. What will […]
Which type of reaction releases energy quizlet?
Which type of reaction releases energy quizlet? Chemical reactions that release energy, usually in the form of heat, are called exothermic reactions. Chemical reactions that absorb energy, usually in the form of heat, are called endothermic reactions. Many types of reactions can be endothermic or exothermic. How is energy released in a chemical reaction quizlet? […]
Is the ruler drop test valid?
Is the ruler drop test valid? The ruler-drop test has acceptable test-retest reliability that compares favorably with computerized measures of reaction time. Which finger has the fastest reaction time? The fingers on the outside — i.e. the thumb and little finger — therefore react faster than the middle finger, which is exposed to the “cross […]
What is the difference between emission and absorption spectrum?
What is the difference between emission and absorption spectrum? The main difference between emission and absorption spectra is that an emission spectrum has different coloured lines in the spectrum, whereas an absorption spectrum has dark-coloured lines in the spectrum. What is basic emission? Definition of Emission The basic electronic emission occurs when heat, sunlight, electron […]
Do we see in black and white at night?
Do we see in black and white at night? Sensing Light Both rods and cones are sensitive to light. When it gets dark the cones lose their ability to respond to light. The rods continue to respond to available light, but since they cannot see color, so to speak, everything appears to be various shades […]
What is another name that represents electrical current?
What is another name that represents electrical current? What is another word for electric current? electrical conduction electrical current moving charge current ion flow What is the electric current in a wire? Electric current in a wire, where the charge carriers are electrons, is a measure of the quantity of charge passing any point of […]
How do capacitors boost voltage?
How do capacitors boost voltage? because capacitors store energy, they can increase the apparent voltage in some circuits. Capacitors can reduce peak power demands on power sources by providing stored energy during peak loads, which would cause a voltage drop in the power source. Do capacitors decrease voltage? A capacitor opposes changes in voltage. If […]
Which is queen of science?
Which is queen of science? The German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss referred to mathematics as “the Queen of the Sciences”. Which is the king of all subjects? Mathematics is the subject no doubt it can be called king of all faculty as mathematics skills are required in science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, astronomy etc), in business […]