Where is lysosome located?

Where is lysosome located? Lysosome, subcellular organelle that is found in nearly all types of eukaryotic cells (cells with a clearly defined nucleus) and that is responsible for the digestion of macromolecules, old cell parts, and microorganisms. What is the other name of lysosome and mitochondria? Answer. Answer: other name of lysosomes is phagolysosomes and […]

What is clay and its uses?

What is clay and its uses? Clay is a type of fine-grained natural soil material containing clay minerals. Clay is used in many modern industrial processes, such as paper making, cement production, and chemical filtering. What is clay and where does it come from? Clay comes from the ground, usually in areas where streams or […]

What did Aristotle say about the moon?

What did Aristotle say about the moon? For Aristotle the moon had been a perfect sphere, and that was how people still saw it in 1609. A perfect sphere, of course, is perfectly smooth. The pure moon was not of base earth. What did ancients think of the moon? Through persistent observation, Anaxagoras came to […]

Is Russia a stage 4 country?

Is Russia a stage 4 country? It does not have the qualities of stage 1, high birth rates and death rates. Russia does not have declining birth rates and low death rates that would classify it as stage 3. Since it’s not stage 4 with low birth and death rates Russia could possibly be the […]

What are some examples of seafloor spreading?

What are some examples of seafloor spreading? Seafloor spreading occurs along mid-ocean ridges—large mountain ranges rising from the ocean floor. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, for instance, separates the North American plate from the Eurasian plate, and the South American plate from the African plate. What is used to measure bathymetry? ADCPs measure water velocity by transmitting […]

Which swimmer has the greatest speed?

Which swimmer has the greatest speed? Olympic gold-medalist Michael Phelps can swim the 200-meter freestyle in approximately 1.42 minutes, which equates to a speed of about 4.7 mph (miles per hour) or 7.6 km/h (kilometers per hour). A sailfish could cover 200 meters in about 10 seconds! How fast is a swimmer? about 2 miles […]

Is it cheaper to leave AC on all day?

Is it cheaper to leave AC on all day? In general, it is cheaper to leave the AC on all day during very hot temperatures. However, turning off the AC during a heat wave can quickly introduce a lot of heat and humidity into your home. After even just a couple of hours, your AC […]

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