What happens if u eat chalk?

What happens if u eat chalk? Chalk is considered non-toxic in small amounts. If large amounts are eaten, it can be irritating to the stomach and cause vomiting. Chalk can be a choking hazard for very young children. CAUTION: Eating pool or billiard chalk can be different than school and blackboard chalk because it may […]

How photon is created?

How photon is created? A photon is produced whenever an electron in a higher-than-normal orbit falls back to its normal orbit. During the fall from high energy to normal energy, the electron emits a photon — a packet of energy — with very specific characteristics. A sodium vapor light energizes sodium atoms to generate photons. […]

Who is the father of LED bulb?

Who is the father of LED bulb? Nick Holonyak Who invented the first LED light? Shuji Nakamura What purpose do LED lights serve? LED stands for light emitting diode. LED lighting products produce light up to 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs. How do they work? An electrical current passes through a microchip, which […]

Which is the thinnest layer of the earth?

Which is the thinnest layer of the earth? Inner core Which is the thinnest layer of atmosphere? Troposphere What are the 4 atmospheres? The atmosphere is comprised of layers based on temperature. These layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. A further region at about 500 km above the Earth’s surface is called the […]

What would happen if solar winds hit Earth?

What would happen if solar winds hit Earth? The most powerful solar storms send coronal mass ejections (CMEs), containing charged particles, into space. If Earth happens to be in the path of a CME, the charged particles can slam into our atmosphere, disrupt satellites in orbit and even cause them to fail, and bathe high-flying […]

What is the name of K+ ion?

What is the name of K+ ion? potassium Why is potassium K+? The name is derived from the english word potash. The chemical symbol K comes from kalium, the Mediaeval Latin for potash, which may have derived from the arabic word qali, meaning alkali. What is the symbol for beryllium? Be Is Potassium a negative […]

What are the four principles of stratigraphy?

What are the four principles of stratigraphy? Steno’s laws of stratigraphy describe the patterns in which rock layers are deposited. The four laws are the law of superposition, law of original horizontality, law of cross-cutting relationships, and law of lateral continuity. Nicolaus Steno was a 17th-century Danish geologist. Which kind of unconformity is probably the […]

What are the three roles of bacteria?

What are the three roles of bacteria? In summary, bacteria are single-celled microbes without a nucleus. Bacteria play many roles in our ecosystem. Bacteria are decomposers which break down dead material and recycle it. They also can be producers, making food from sunlight, such as photosynthetic bacteria, or chemicals, such as chemosynthetic bacteria. What are […]

What are the different stimuli?

What are the different stimuli? excited by three types of stimuli—mechanical, thermal, and chemical; some endings respond primarily to one type of stimulation, whereas other endings can detect all types. Chemical substances produced by the body that excite pain receptors include bradykinin, serotonin, and histamine. What are some examples of stimuli? Stimuli include: Irritants. Sights. […]

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