What are the pros and cons of CBT?

What are the pros and cons of CBT? Research has shown that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can be as effective as medication in treating Anxiety & Depression problems. There is always a risk that bad feelings you associate with your problem will return, but with your CBT skills it should be easier for you to […]

Is scattering of light reflection?

Is scattering of light reflection? Scattering and reflection. Both phenomena occur and overlap. The main factor controlling them is particle size: scattering occurs for particles smaller than the wavelength of light, and reflection for bigger ones, but there is overlap. Thus, more blue light than red light is transmitted backwards. What is the means of […]

Which number is used in forced convection?

Which number is used in forced convection? The parameter of importance in forced convection is the Péclet number, which is the ratio of advection (movement by currents) and diffusion (movement from high to low concentrations) of heat. When the Peclet number is much greater than unity (1), advection dominates diffusion. What is the primary driving […]

What is the name of K+ ion?

What is the name of K+ ion? potassium Why is potassium K+? The name is derived from the english word potash. The chemical symbol K comes from kalium, the Mediaeval Latin for potash, which may have derived from the arabic word qali, meaning alkali. What is the symbol for beryllium? Be Is Potassium a negative […]

Which fossil fuel is the best?

Which fossil fuel is the best? Natural Gas Which fossil fuel is the cleanest burning Why? natural gas What is the most used fossil fuel? Oil How much does burning fossil fuels contribute to global warming? Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels have significantly increased since 1900. Since 1970, CO2 emissions have increased by about […]

How are the circuits wires in houses?

How are the circuits wires in houses? Circuits in houses are generally wired in parallel, which allows you to operate each light or power point independently of the others. How many circuits should a house have? Fifty years ago, a kitchen might have been served by a single electrical circuit, but today, a newly installed […]

What does listening to 528 Hz do?

What does listening to 528 Hz do? According to the current study, sound waves with 528 Hz frequency in 100 dB intensity induce testosterone production in brain by enhancing StAR and SF-1 and reducing P450 aromatase gene expression. Frequency of 528 Hz also reduces total concentration of reactive oxidative species in brain tissue. How many […]

Is angular velocity affected by radius?

Is angular velocity affected by radius? Linear/tangential velocity, in a circlular path, increases with the increase in radius and decreases with the decrease in radius. Hence, the angular velocity remains the same no matter what the change in radius is(W=V/r). Why is angular momentum always conserved? Objects can change their shape and still conserve angular […]

Is there a weight limit for private pilots?

Is there a weight limit for private pilots? In the US there’s no specific weight limit in the regulations. Instead, they just say that you must be capable of performing the duties of a pilot, e.g. 14 CFR 61.113: A very heavy pilot may be too heavy to fly in some smaller aircraft (including training […]

What is the weight of a human kidney?

What is the weight of a human kidney? Structure Sex Weight, standard reference range Right kidney Left kidney Male 80–160 g (2 3⁄4–5 3⁄4 oz) 80–175 g (2 3⁄4–6 1⁄4 oz) Female 40–175 g (1 1⁄2–6 1⁄4 oz) 35–190 g (1 1⁄4–6 3⁄4 oz) What is the weight of liver in KG? The liver is […]

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