What does conductivity depend on?

What does conductivity depend on? What does conductivity depend on? It depends on the concentration, mobility, the valence state of the ionized species in a solution, and the temperature at which a measurement is taken. The higher the concentration of the ions in water, the higher the conductivity. How does thermal conductivity depend on density? […]

What are examples of loud sounds?

What are examples of loud sounds? Loud sound has a high volume while soft sound has a low volume. Banging of a hammer and a car’s horn are examples of loud sounds while playing of a piano and sound of blowing wind are examples of soft sounds. What are the examples of soft sounds? Soft […]

How do we know the nucleus is positive?

How do we know the nucleus is positive? Rutherford deduced that the atomic nucleus was positively charged because the alpha particles that he fired at the metal foils were positively charged, and like charges repel. In Rutherford’s experiments most of the alpha particles passed straight through the foil without being deflected. Is a nucleus positive? […]

What are the advantages of generalized coordinates?

What are the advantages of generalized coordinates? The major advantage of using generalized coordinates is that they can be chosen to be perpendicular to a corresponding constraint force, and therefore that specific constraint force does no work for motion along that generalized coordinate. What is rigid body How many generalized coordinates will have to be […]

How do you determine a two-force member?

How do you determine a two-force member? If an element has pins or hinge supports at both ends and carries no load in-between, it is called a two-force member. These elements can only have two forces acting upon them at their hinges. If only two forces act on a body that is in equilibrium, then […]

Can eyes affect the brain?

Can eyes affect the brain? They also noted that vision had a stronger influence on brain function than the reverse. This suggests that maintaining good vision health by having regular check-ups and addressing problems like cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration may help keep your brain healthy as you age. Can head trauma cause eye […]

What does the atomic mass tell you?

What does the atomic mass tell you? The atomic mass tells us the weight of protons and neutrons. How do you know how many electrons there are surrounding the nucleus of a particular atom? Why isn’t the atomic mass always a whole number? Atomic mass is never an integer number for several reasons: The atomic […]

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