How do dragsters reduce drag? Because the dragster has parts moving against one another, friction is created. You can help reduce it by making sure the axles are free to rotate, and that the wheels and tires are not rubbing on the car body. Drag: Here’s where aerodynamics come into play. How are CO2 dragsters […]
Can I use water instead of pouring medium?
Can I use water instead of pouring medium? Water canĀ“t be used instead of pouring medium. Water changes the consistency of acrylic paint but it also changes the pigment density of the paint. When you dilute the acrylic paint too much with water, then the paint will no longer adhere properly to the surface. How […]
Why is the Bay of Fundy tide so high?
Why is the Bay of Fundy tide so high? Fundy’s tides are the highest in the world because of an unusual combination of factors: resonance and the shape of the bay. The water in the Bay of Fundy has a natural resonance or rocking motion called seiche. The bay’s shape and bottom topography are secondary […]
Which lenses do professional photographers use?
Which lenses do professional photographers use? Five Lenses Every Portrait Photographer Should Have 85mm f/1.4. The absolute golden staple for serious portrait photographers must be the 85mm f/1.4 lens. 70-200mm f/2.8. Telephoto lenses sure do flatter subjects due to their perspectival compression, and that’s what makes this lens such a big hitter in the world […]
How would you describe sea water?
How would you describe sea water? Here are some adjectives for sea water: triumphant blue, warm deep, bitter, salty, thick, cold, blue sparkling, potable, briny, clear cool, less dense, salty, brackish, cool, clear, vivid blue, coastal, pathless, foamy, deep green, polluted, corrosive, cold, colder, murky, frigid, stagnant, condensed, clear, deep blue. Who is a Thalassophile? […]
Which color deviates biggest rainbow?
Which color deviates biggest rainbow? Violet light Which Colour is deviated most? violet color Which Colour is deviated least? red Which Colour of white light is deviated I the most ii the least? (i) Violet colour will deviate the most and (ii) red colour will deviate the least. Which Colour of white light is deviated […]
What does 0.0 mean?
What does 0.0 mean? Surprise What does the car sticker 0.0 mean? Three types of people have the 0.0 bumper sticker: Very serious endurance athletes who think that bragging about completing a marathon is ridiculous. This could be road bicycle racers, ultra-runners, distance swimmers, triathletes, or simply serious runners who know their place. What does […]
Is the brain a supercomputer?
Is the brain a supercomputer? Brains Are Very Different From Computers Although it is impossible to precisely calculate, it is postulated that the human brain operates at 1 exaFLOP, which is equivalent to a billion billion calculations per second. How powerful is a brain? It is so complex that it is capable of generating the […]
How do kinetic energy heat and temperature affect each other?
How do kinetic energy heat and temperature affect each other? The thermal energy, or heat, of an object is obtained by adding up the kinetic energy of all the molecules within it. Temperature is the average kinetic energy of the molecules. Absolute zero is the temperature where molecular motion stops and is the lowest possible […]