What is the principle of electric iron?

What is the principle of electric iron? An electric iron is based on the principle of heating effect of current that heat is produced in the nichrome wire used in the iron due to the current flowing through it. Which coating is best for iron? Which soleplate is best for ironing? Stainless steel soleplates have […]

How has plate tectonics affect evolution?

How has plate tectonics affect evolution? Plate tectonic processes such as the redistribution of continents, growth of mountain ranges, formation of land bridges, and opening and closing of oceans provide a continuous but moderate environmental pressure that stimulates populations to adapt and evolve. Why are plate tectonics important to the ocean? Earth’s oceans might not […]

Is sand a good thermal insulator?

Is sand a good thermal insulator? Saturated sand has a thermal conductivity in the range of 2-4 W/m-K which causes the sand layer thickness to go astronomical. Thus it can be shown that sand is a good replacement for fiberglass pipe insulation in underground, direct buried applications. It’s easier to install and costs less. Does […]

Does benzene absorb UV light?

Does benzene absorb UV light? Note that both benzene and naphthacene absorb light in the near ultraviolet but that the latter does so much more intensely. A solution of naphthacene will absorb almost 100 times as much light at 250 nm. as a solution of benzene of the same molar concentration. Can light break bonds? […]

Why do plasma balls make you smell?

Why do plasma balls make you smell? If a hand is placed close to the globe it produces a faint smell of ozone, as the gas is produced by high voltage interaction with atmospheric oxygen. Some globes have a control knob that varies the amount of power going to the center electrode. What happens if […]

What should I expect at a developmental assessment?

What should I expect at a developmental assessment? Your assessment will be tailored to your child’s age and suspected problem or delay. In general, you can expect that you’ll spend time answering a host of detailed questions about your child’s growth, physical movements, behavior, play, and interactions with family members and the rest of the […]

What does Div F mean?

What does Div F mean? We also have a physical interpretation of the divergence. If we again think of →F as the velocity field of a flowing fluid then div→F div F → represents the net rate of change of the mass of the fluid flowing from the point (x,y,z) ( x , y , […]

What are the basic stages of emotional development?

What are the basic stages of emotional development? Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development Learning Basic Trust Versus Basic Mistrust (Hope) Learning Autonomy Versus Shame (Will) Learning Initiative Versus Guilt (Purpose) Industry Versus Inferiority (Competence) Learning Identity Versus Identity Diffusion (Fidelity) Learning Intimacy Versus Isolation (Love) What are the emotional benefits of play? Emotional benefits of […]

Who devised a commonly used classification system?

Who devised a commonly used classification system? Carl Linnaeus What Three Kingdoms did Linnaeus divide nature? Linnaean taxonomy divides all of nature into three kingdoms: animal, vegetable (or plant), and mineral (The mineral kingdom does not include living organisms, so it is not discussed any further here.). Both plant and animal kingdoms are subdivided into […]

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