How do you tell if an egg is boiled by spinning? Tip: Just place the egg on a hard surface, like the counter, and spin it like a top. As it’s spinning, grab it with your fingers ever-so-briefly and immediately let go. If it keeps spinning, it’s raw. If it stops dead, it’s boiled. How […]
What are the similarities and differences between electric and magnetic forces acting on a charged particle?
What are the similarities and differences between electric and magnetic forces acting on a charged particle? Electric forces are created by and act on, both moving and stationary charges; while magnetic forces are created by and act on only moving charges. Electric monopoles exist. Magnetic monopoles don’t* exist. This is the reason that Maxwell’s laws […]
What is the maximum torque that the loop can experience?
Is rain water an acid or alkali?
Is rain water an acid or alkali? Not all rain can be considered pure water. Pure water is neither alkaline nor acidic. As rain falls from the atmosphere the impurities it collects changes the pH of the rain water, making it slightly acidic. How can we keep rain water clean? 5 Ways to Properly Store […]
What is cell surface charge?
What is cell surface charge? The surface charge can have either a negative or positive electrical state, which is determined by the balance between negatively charged and positively charged nanoparticles at the surface. The cell membrane surface of living cells has a different electric potential to the interior of cell, namely membrane potential. Are cells […]
Which statement best describes the effect that stress has on the immune system?
Which statement best describes the effect that stress has on the immune system? Stress can lead to increased vulnerability to infections and immune deficiency disorders:best describes the effects that stress has on the immune system. Which of the following symptoms is considered a physical effect of stress? Chest pain is considered to be the physical […]
What should I expect at a developmental assessment?
What should I expect at a developmental assessment? Your assessment will be tailored to your child’s age and suspected problem or delay. In general, you can expect that you’ll spend time answering a host of detailed questions about your child’s growth, physical movements, behavior, play, and interactions with family members and the rest of the […]
When you are emotionally distressed you should talk to someone you trust and get some perspective on your problems?
When you are emotionally distressed you should talk to someone you trust and get some perspective on your problems? When you are emotionally distressed, you should talk to someone you trust and get some perspective on your problems. When you are emotionally distressed, you should take a moment and recognize your anger for what it […]
How many types of bonds can a carbon atom form?
How many types of bonds can a carbon atom form? four Can a single carbon atom exist on its own? Pure carbon can exist in different forms, depending on how its atoms are arranged. The forms include diamond, graphite, and fullerenes. All three forms exist as crystals, but they have different structures. Their different structures, […]
How many outlets can a 15 amp breaker hold?
How many outlets can a 15 amp breaker hold? 10 outlets Why is daisy chaining dangerous? Daisy chaining is a term that refers to the practice of plugging a power strip into another power strip. This is dangerous because an excessive amount of power is being drawn from one single wall outlet, which means the […]