What is laminar mixing?

What is laminar mixing? Laminar mixing processes are based on the repeated separation of the flow into layers, followed by redistribution and recombination parallel to the flow direction. The number of layers, and hence the homogeneity, increases with each additional mixing element. What does turbulent flow cause? Turbulence increases the energy required to drive blood […]

How many light years can we travel?

How many light years can we travel? Even if the fabric of space didn’t change over time, there are plenty of objects we can see today that could be farther away than 13.8 billion light-years. The only catch is that their light could travel for 13.8 billion light-years at most; how the objects move after […]

Who Solved the 2 body problem?

Who Solved the 2 body problem? The two-body problem consists of determining the motion of two gravitationally interacting bodies with given masses and initial velocities. The problem was first solved by Isaac Newton in 1687 using geometric arguments. How do you deal with two-body problems? How to Deal with the Two-body Problem Ask support from […]

What tells the cells what to do?

What tells the cells what to do? Hidden inside almost every cell in your body is a chemical called DNA. A gene is a short section of DNA. Your genes contain instructions that tell your cells to make molecules called proteins. Do cells know they are alive? Cells don’t ‘know’ what to do – they […]

How accurate is Gaia?

How accurate is Gaia? Even stars near the Galactic Centre, some 30 000 light-years away, will have their distances measured to within an accuracy of 20%. – The Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) consists of more than 400 individuals who will contribute some 2000 person-years of effort to the Gaia data processing exercise. […]

Why the tip of Allpin made sharp?

Why the tip of Allpin made sharp? The tip of an allpin is made sharp so that large pressure is exerted at the sharp end and it can be driven into with less effort. What are the two factors which does not change the vertical height of mercury column above the free surface? The density […]

How does adhesion help the human body?

How does adhesion help the human body? Cell adhesion is fundamental for the formation of multicellular organisms, as it allows for the maintenance of tissue and organ structure, as well as communication between cells. How does adhesion work in the human body? Without this flow, your body’s cells would not rehydrate and vital communication between […]

How do you ensure confidentiality of participants in research?

How do you ensure confidentiality of participants in research? Researchers employ a number of methods to keep their subjects’ identity confidential. Foremost, they keep their records secure through the use of password protected files, encryption when sending information over the internet, and even old-fashioned locked doors and drawers. How do you maintain participants confidentiality A […]

What is the meaning of Coastal?

What is the meaning of Coastal? Coastal things are near the ocean. If you like spending time at the beach, you might take a trip to a sunny, coastal vacation spot. The coast is the land that borders an ocean or sea, and the adjective coastal describes things that affect the coast or are located […]

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