What is positive coping skills?

What is positive coping skills? Coping skills help you tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful situations in life. Managing your stress well can help you feel better physically and psychologically and it can impact your ability to perform your best. What are common negative responses to stress? Lashing out at others in emotionally or physically […]

What causes an element to be reactive?

What causes an element to be reactive? The number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom determines its reactivity. Noble gases have low reactivity because they have full electron shells. Alkali metals are highly reactive because they readily lose the single electron in their outermost shell. What are some examples of reactivity? Reactivity […]

Which is the best meaning of biogenesis?

Which is the best meaning of biogenesis? 1 : the development of life from preexisting life. 2 : the synthesis of chemical compounds or structures in the living organism — compare biosynthesis. Other Words from biogenesis Example Sentences Learn More about biogenesis. Does biogenesis explain the origin of life? It wasn’t until the 1850s to […]

What is a net of a rectangular prism?

What is a net of a rectangular prism? The net of a solid figure is formed when a solid figure is unfolded along its edges and its faces are laid out in a pattern in two dimensions. Nets of rectangular prisms are made up of rectangles and squares. What is the difference between a cube […]

What is the unique features of water transport?

What is the unique features of water transport? The three main characteristics of water transport are that it is slow, that it can carry large loads, and that it is relatively cheap. Modern ships can carry huge loads of cargo without using very much fuel per unit of cargo. This makes this type of transport […]

Did I gain weight or am I just bloated?

Did I gain weight or am I just bloated? One easy way to tell the difference between bloat and belly fat is to note belly fat does not cause your stomach to expand wildly throughout the course of a day; bloat does. One other way to tell the difference between bloat and belly fat is […]

What happens when a diver gets the bends?

What happens when a diver gets the bends? Decompression sickness: Often called “the bends,” decompression sickness happens when a scuba diver ascends too quickly. Divers breathe compressed air that contains nitrogen. At higher pressure under water, the nitrogen gas goes into the body’s tissues. Will the bends go away on its own? In some cases, […]

Does cruise control use more gas?

Does cruise control use more gas? Absolutely. If you’re cruising along a mostly level highway, electronics generally are far better at avoiding the little speed-up/slow-down events that are inevitably caused by a weary accelerator ankle or an inattentive mind. Is Cruise Control really necessary? In the long run, like on long highway journeys, cruise control […]

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