Which of the following would be the best soil for gardening 2 points? Clay loam is considered to be the best soil for gardening as a result of the perfect balance of the soil particles. The loam part of the soil provides the organic nutrients which the plant need for healthy growth. What is the […]
What are the possible values of n and ML for an electron in a 4 d orbital?
What is a Sharks sixth sense called?
What is a Sharks sixth sense called? A Shark’s Sixth Sense around their head called ampullae of Lorenzini. These are jelly filled pores that go down to the nerve receptors at the base of the dermis. They are specialized electroreceptor organs that allow the shark to sense electromagnetic fields and temperature changes in the water […]
What phase are cells in when they are not dividing?
What muffles sound the best?
What muffles sound the best? The best types of surfaces for absorbing sounds are ones with jagged surfaces and hollow recesses within (much like a sponge or cardboard). The proper object captures the sound waves and bounces them around within the object until the vibrations dwindle. Does Styrofoam deaden sound? Polystyrene foams such as Styrofoam […]
What do we call a ramp and ladder combined?
What do we call a ramp and ladder combined? A wedge is a simple machine that is made of two inclined planes together. Inclined planes don’t move, but wedges do. An axe is an example of a wedge. Inclined planes are simple machines used to make work easier. Ramps, ladders, and staircases are all inclined […]
What are the 3 field forces?
What are the 3 field forces? Field forces are also called noncontact forces or at-a-distance forces. There are four types of field forces: gravity, electromagnetic forces, and the strong force and the weak force found in atoms. What are two field forces examples? Examples of force fields include magnetic fields, gravitational fields, and electrical fields. […]
What is the direction of the induced current in the circular loop of radius r?
What is the direction of the induced current in the circular loop of radius r? The direction of induced current in the circular loop will be clockwise or anti-clockwise depending upon the direction of current in the straight wire. The amount of induced current will be decided by the velocity with which the loop is […]
What are 2 facts about the troposphere?
What are 2 facts about the troposphere? Fact Sheet The troposphere contains 75% of the atmosphere’s total mass. In either space or time the troposphere is not constant. Weather occurs in the troposphere. The troposphere is 10 miles from the equator. The troposphere is 5-7 miles above the poles. Does not contain ozone. Why do […]