What is flat band diagram?

What is flat band diagram? 1 Flat band conditions. The flat band diagram is by far the easiest energy band diagram. The term flat band referes to fact that the energy band diagram of the semiconductor is flat, which implies that no charge exists in the semiconductor. An example is shown in the figure below. […]

How do you convert M to Hz?

How do you convert M to Hz? » Wavelength in meters Conversions: m↔Hz 1 Hz = 299792458 m. m↔MHz 1 MHz = 2.99792458E+14 m. What is Hz equivalent to? It is measured in hertz (Hz), an international unit of measure where 1 hertz is equal to 1 cycle per second. Hertz (Hz) = One hertz […]

How do objects accumulate charges?

How do objects accumulate charges? Charges build up when negative electrons are transferred from one object to another. The object that gives up electrons becomes positively charged, and the object that accepts the electrons becomes negatively charged. How do you discharge objects? The simplest way to discharge an object is to connect it to the […]

Is IDK an answer?

Is IDK an answer? Is IDK an Answer? IDK mostly functions as an answer in casual conversations like chats or texts. Since IDK is an abbreviation for the phrase “I don’t know,” you can use IDK wherever you would respond with the full phrase (“Which film did you like best?” “IDK, it’s hard to choose. […]

What is the abbreviation for America?

What is the abbreviation for America? USA What country abbreviation is NW? New Caledonia ISO 3166-1 numeric 540 ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 NCL ICAO airport code prefix(es) NW E.212 mobile country code(s) 546 NATO Three-letter code NCL LOC MARC code(s) NL ITU Maritime ID(s) 540 ITU letter code(s) NCL License plate code F GS1 GTIN prefix(es) […]

What are the three major forms of government?

What are the three major forms of government? The type of government a nation has can be classified as one of three main types: Democracy. Monarchy. Dictatorship. What are the 5 forms of government? Power Defined This lesson will discuss and differentiate between the five main forms of power, or government, utilized in past and […]

What is the largest cranial nerve?

What is the largest cranial nerve? trigeminal nerve What is the smallest cranial nerve? trochlear nerve What cranial nerve makes you cry? The great (superficial) petrosal nerve from cranial nerve VII provides autonomic innervation to the lacrimal gland. It is responsible for the production of much of the aqueous portion of the tear film. What […]

What is 10% law with example?

What is 10% law with example? Answer. In an every stage of food chain only the 10% of energy will transfer in the successive stage. eg. if plants are giving 99 joules of energy to deer because about 1% of energy Is utilised by plants so Deer will get 10% of this 99 means 9.9 […]

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