What are unit places? : the place just to the left of the decimal point in a number expressed in the Arabic system of writing numbers. What does unit value mean? When the expenditures or value of production of an item is divided by the quantity, the result is known as a unit value. Context: […]
What happens to energy when you hold a cube of ice in your hand?
What happens to energy when you hold a cube of ice in your hand? What happens when you hold an ice cube in your hand? The thermal energy from your hand transfers to the ice and melts it. When heat is transferred through matter from particle to particle. It compresses, particles slow down and fall. […]
Why do wet things stick?
Why do wet things stick? When the surface is wet,things stick to wet surfaces because of water molecules(H2O) present under the object forming a sticky layer.It makes the object sticks to the surface. What problem is created if the sand is too wet? A Sticky Problem Fortunately for beach-goers everywhere, a group of physicists at […]
What is the difference between a major organ and accessory organ of digestion?
What is the difference between a major organ and accessory organ of digestion? The digestive system includes the organs of the alimentary canal and accessory structures. The alimentary canal forms a continuous tube that is open to the outside environment at both ends. The accessory digestive structures include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, […]
Why does the volume of a balloon increase during the day but at night decreases?
Why does the volume of a balloon increase during the day but at night decreases? When the ballon is made of elastic material, it expands because of the excess pressure inside. Its volume increases and its internal pressure decreases. As it expands, its buoyancy increases, but not the pull of gravity, so it continues to […]
Does water cool down faster than land?
Does water cool down faster than land? It takes less energy to change the temperature of land compared to water. This means that land heats and cools more quickly than water and this difference affects the climate of different areas on Earth. Different energy transfer processes also contribute to different rates of heating between land […]
What does just us mean NCAA basketball?
What is the head to toe pattern of infant physical development?
What is the head to toe pattern of infant physical development? What is the head-to-toe pattern of infant physical development? Infant bodies develop from the head first, then down to the toes. Infants engage in simple tasks, then gradually undertake more complex ones. What is toxic stress quizlet? Toxic stress. when a child experiences strong, […]
How do neutrons affect the human body?
How do neutrons affect the human body? Consequently, in living tissue, neutrons have a relatively high relative biological effectiveness, and are roughly ten times more effective at causing biological damage compared to gamma or beta radiation of equivalent energy exposure. Neutrons are particularly damaging to soft tissues like the cornea of the eye. How can […]
What is flat band diagram?
What is flat band diagram? 1 Flat band conditions. The flat band diagram is by far the easiest energy band diagram. The term flat band referes to fact that the energy band diagram of the semiconductor is flat, which implies that no charge exists in the semiconductor. An example is shown in the figure below. […]