Which neurotransmitter is associated with anxiety?

Which neurotransmitter is associated with anxiety? The role of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA has long been regarded as central to the regulation of anxiety and this neurotransmitter system is the target of benzodiazepines and related drugs used to treat anxiety disorders. What is the role of serotonin in anxiety? Mood: Serotonin in the brain is […]

How long is a true day?

How long is a true day? 23 hours and 56 minutes How many degrees does the Earth turn in 24 hours? 360 How many degree make an hour? 15 degrees How many degrees does the Earth turn in two days? While the Earth is rotating on its axis it is also moving along its orbit […]

Who invented emotions?

Who invented emotions? Thomas Brown Why do we develop feelings for someone? The reason we develop feelings for someone is that it allows us to discard some of the burdensome protections that we carry with us every day and get closer to the love we have inside of us. Of course, the fact that we […]

What is the perimeter of a sector?

What is the perimeter of a sector? The formula for the perimeter of the sector of a circle is given below : Perimeter of sector = radius + radius + arc length. Perimeter of sector = 2 radius + arc length. What is sector area formula? The formula for sector area is simple – multiply […]

Does frequency increase with tension?

Does frequency increase with tension? Increasing the tension increases the wave speed so the frequency increases. What is the fundamental frequency of the string? The lowest resonance frequency (n=1) is known as the fundamental frequency for the string. All the higher frequencies are known as harmonics – these are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. […]

What does a plastic stopper reduce?

What does a plastic stopper reduce? The vacuum prevents conduction. The tight stopper prevents air from entering or leaving the flask, so convection isn’t possible either. The sealed stopper stops heat getting in by convection; the vacuum stops conduction, and the metal lining between the outer case and the inner chamber stops heat radiating in […]

What are the two main types of steam turbines?

What are the two main types of steam turbines? Two types of steam turbines must be considered, condensing and noncondensing. What is the principle of steam turbine? In simple terms, a steam turbine works by using a heat source (gas, coal, nuclear, solar) to heat water to extremely high temperatures until it is converted into […]

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