What is the physical and chemical properties of water?

What is the physical and chemical properties of water? We have seen the physical and chemical properties of water and understood its importance….Hydrolysis reaction. Properties Chemical formula H2O Molar mass 18.01528(33) g/mol Odour None Density Solid: 0.9167 g/ml at 0 °C Liquid: 0.961893 g/mL at 95 °C 0.9970474 g/mL at 25 °C 0.9998396 g/mL at […]

Is the water displacement method accurate?

Is the water displacement method accurate? The change in water level equals the volume of the submerged object. This method is more accurate than measuring water that has spilled out an overflowing beaker. You may need to remind students of the need for accuracy, not only in the weighing of the objects, but also in […]

Do necklaces work as pendulums?

Do necklaces work as pendulums? Pendulums can be made of different materials, some people using a simple necklace with a crystal or charm at the end. Be sure the bob or bobber – or weight on the end – is not too light or too heavy. The best length for the pendulum is six inches. […]

What does AFK stand for?

What does AFK stand for? away from keyboard What does IDFK mean? I Don’t Freaking Know What is the meaning of AFK in FF? AFK is an acronym in English that means “away from keyboard”, it is an abbreviation used in certain industries (gaming, technology, etc); to denote that someone is not active or disconnected […]

Why is Greek pottery orange and black?

Why is Greek pottery orange and black? The bright colours and deep blacks of Attic red- and black-figure vases were achieved through a process in which the atmosphere inside the kiln went through a cycle of oxidizing, reducing, and reoxidizing. During the oxidizing phase, the ferric oxide inside the Attic clay achieves a bright red-to-orange […]

Is there a black star?

Is there a black star? A black star is a gravitational object composed of matter. It is a theoretical alternative to the black hole concept from general relativity. The theoretical construct was created through the use of semiclassical gravity theory. It will appear almost exactly like a black hole. What does a black star stand […]

What are the 3 laws of charges?

What are the 3 laws of charges? Based on the same types of experiments like the one you performed, scientists were able to establish three laws of electrical charges: Opposite charges attract each other. Like charges repel each other. Charged objects attract neutral objects. What are the basic laws of electricity? The Fundamental Laws of […]

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