How is density directly proportional to volume?

How is density directly proportional to volume? Density and Volume are inversely proportional to each other. Mass and volume are not the same. When density increases, volume decreases. When volume increases, density decreases. What do density mass and volume have in common? An object’s density is the ratio of mass to volume of an object. […]

Why does Russia have backwards letters?

Why does Russia have backwards letters? Short answer: Because Russian and Greek sound different. And politics. Longer Answer: Many Slavic languages (Russian included) use what’s called the Cyrillic alphabet. Which language uses a backwards N? Yes, it’s Russian, but Russian isn’t the only language to use this script. This script is called Cyrillic, and is […]

What is no government called?

What is no government called? Anarchy How many government systems are there? three Which country has best government? Here are the most politically stable countries based on perception: New Zealand. Australia. Sweden. Norway. Denmark. Denmark ranks No. Netherlands. The Netherlands, ranking No. Canada. Canada ranks second for its perceived political stability, in addition to earning […]

What is the precision of a study?

What is the precision of a study? Precision indicates how well a method or instrument gives the same result when a single sample is tested repeatedly. Precision measures the random error of a method, which is the scatter in the data. Precision does not indicate that an instrument is reporting the correct result; which is […]

What Hz is harmful?

What Hz is harmful? The most dangerous frequency is at the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain, 7 hz. This is also the resonant frequency of the body’s organs. What frequency can kill humans? 7 hz What is the death frequency? As of 2020, the CIA estimates the U.S. crude death rate will be 8.3 […]

Which organism is used for municipal wastewater?

Which organism is used for municipal wastewater? Biological treatments rely on bacteria, nematodes, or other small organisms to break down organic wastes using normal cellular processes. Wastewater typically contains a buffet of organic matter, such as garbage, wastes, and partially digested foods. It also may contain pathogenic organisms, heavy metals, and toxins. Which bacteria is […]

What are the dangers associated with email?

What are the dangers associated with email? 10 Email Security Risks in 2020 1- Spoofing and Phishing. In an email spoofing case, a cyber criminal sends a user an email pretending to be someone the user knows. 2- Email Security Gaps. 3- Domain Squatting. 4- Client-Side Attacks. 5- Malicious Files. 6- Ransomware. 7- Misconfigurations. 8- […]

What are the forces that act between nucleons?

What are the forces that act between nucleons? Nuclear forces (also known as nuclear interactions or strong forces) are the forces that act between two or more nucleons. They bind protons and neutrons (“nucleons”) into atomic nuclei. The nuclear force is about 10 millions times stronger than the chemical binding that holds atoms together in […]

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