Can we convert mass to energy?

Can we convert mass to energy? First discovered by Einstein more than 100 years ago, it teaches us a number of important things. We can transform mass into pure energy, such as through nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or matter-antimatter annihilation. Can mass be converted into energy or can mass be destroyed? The total mass of […]

What happens to intrathoracic pressure during inspiration?

What happens to intrathoracic pressure during inspiration? Inspiration drops intrathoracic pressure, dilates the thoracic vena cava, and acutely decreases atrial filling. Cardiac output falls, and consequently arterial pressure falls. The drop in arterial pressure reduces stretch on the arterial baroreceptors, causing a reflex increase in heart rate. Why does BP decrease during inspiration? As the […]

What is T2 * used for?

What is T2 * used for? T2*-weighted sequences can be used with ferucarbotran or superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) contrast agent enhancement to depict liver lesions (13,14). components in tissues, such as deoxyhemoglobin, hematoma, or calcification, and can be used for differentiating the susceptibility differences among tissues (17). What is a T2 * in MRI? T2 […]

Who is the god of hurricanes?

Who is the god of hurricanes? Tezcatlipoca Who is the strongest god in Greek? Gods and Goddesses The most powerful of all, Zeus was god of the sky and the king of Mount Olympus. Hera was goddess of marriage and the queen of Olympus. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, and the protector […]

Does TV use microwaves or radio waves?

Does TV use microwaves or radio waves? Microwaves are used because they pass through the atmosphere and through the ionosphere. The signals may be for television programmes, telephone conversations, or monitoring the Earth (for example, weather forecasting). Should I turn off wifi at night? The BEST Way To Shut Off WiFi At Night Safely and […]

How do you classify hydrogen?

How do you classify hydrogen? Hydrogen is most often classified as a nonmetal because it has many of the properties of nonmetals. For example, it is a gas at room temperature. However, hydrogen shares properties with the alkali metals in group 1. In liquid form, hydrogen conducts electricity just like a metal does. Can we […]

What are the 7 functions of the digestive system?

What are the 7 functions of the digestive system? Digestive System Physiology Ingestion of food. Secretion of fluids and digestive enzymes. Mixing and movement of food and wastes through the body. Digestion of food into smaller pieces. Absorption of nutrients. Excretion of wastes. What organs are part of the digestive system? The hollow organs that […]

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