Which is the greatest carbon reservoir?

Which is the greatest carbon reservoir? deep-ocean What is the longest lived reservoir for carbon? Sedimentary carbonates and kerogen are the the largest carbon reservoirs, followed by marine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), soils, surface sediments, and the atmosphere. Which carbon flux is the largest? The four categories that have the greatest relevance to the overall […]

How do I submit to Pearson?

How do I submit to Pearson? Sign in to the Pearson ePortfolio system and review each of your files within the system. When you have determined your work is complete, mark each part “Ready to Submit.” When you have confirmed that all parts of your assessment are ready for submission, submit your assessment. How do […]

What is quantum number explain with example?

What is quantum number explain with example? A quantum number is a value that is used when describing the energy levels available to atoms and molecules. An electron in an atom or ion has four quantum numbers to describe its state and yield solutions to the Schrödinger wave equation for the hydrogen atom. ms or […]

Why is liquid water important to life?

Why is liquid water important to life? Even organisms that live in very dry places need water to live. One reason that water is so important is because it’s a liquid. This means that it can move around the materials that are needed for chemical reactions. These reactions include the ability for cells to get […]

Como se puede medir la fuerza?

¿Cómo se puede medir la fuerza? La unidad de medida de fuerza es el newton que se representa con el símbolo: N, nombrada así en reconocimiento a Isaac Newton por su aportación a la física. El newton es una unidad derivada del SI que se define como la fuerza necesaria para proporcionar una aceleración de […]

Why is element 43 unstable?

Why is element 43 unstable? Technetium can only be produced artificially because most forms or isotopes of it (atoms of the same chemical element with different numbers of neutrons) have an excess of neutrons, making it very unstable. Why is technetium so weird? Technetium, with atomic number (denoted Z) 43, is the lowest-numbered element in […]

What are the defining ideas of Gothic architecture group of answer choices?

What are the defining ideas of Gothic architecture group of answer choices? English Gothic Architecture. English Gothic architecture (c. 1180–1520) is defined by pointed arches, vaulted roofs, buttresses, large windows, and spires. What does flying buttresses mean in architecture? Flying buttress, masonry structure typically consisting of an inclined bar carried on a half arch that […]

How do you calculate water current?

How do you calculate water current? To calculate the water flow (in m3/s) multiply the average water velocity by the average cross-section. To express this water flow in litres per second (l/s), multiply the result (in m3/s) by 1000. 0.486 m3/s x 1 000 = 486 l/s. What is the speed in still water? Still […]

Does every room need a vent?

Does every room need a vent? Today, it is recommended to have one or multiple air vents in each room of your home or business to optimize air flow and reduce the cost of energy spent on cooling your home or office. Do laundry rooms need vented doors? Most Dryer manufacturers will mandate a certain […]

Why is rose quartz so powerful?

Why is rose quartz so powerful? “As a necklace, rose quartz is especially powerful because it’s worn close to the heart and heart chakra. This enables the heart center to open and release any tensions or stresses held there,” Birch claims. How long does it take to form rose quartz? Mine were formed in about […]

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