Which IUD has been recalled? This April, a batch of ParaGard T 380A Intrauterine Copper Contraceptive devices were recalled due to a lack of assurance of sterility, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Is the Mirena crash real? Anecdotal evidence indicates that some women, however, experience a phenomenon which has been dubbed the […]
What causes teeth to suddenly turn brown?
What causes teeth to suddenly turn brown? Aging: As you age, the outer layer of enamel on your teeth gets worn away exposing the yellow dentin. Your tooth dentin also grows as you age, which decreases the size of the pulp. The translucency of the tooth reduces, making it look darker. What causes a dog’s […]
What is the main idea of Flight by John Steinbeck?
What is the main idea of Flight by John Steinbeck? In Flight by John Steinbeck we have the theme of innocence, coming of age, resilience, hardship, struggle, escape and loss. What happened in the story Flight? “Flight” is a short story by American writer John Steinbeck, first published in his collection The Long Valley. It […]
Is saltpeter the same as potassium nitrate?
Is saltpeter the same as potassium nitrate? Potassium nitrate is one of several nitrogen-containing compounds collectively referred to as saltpetre (or saltpeter in North America). Major uses of potassium nitrate are in fertilizers, tree stump removal, rocket propellants and fireworks. It is one of the major constituents of gunpowder (black powder). Can you buy saltpeter […]
Can Silver hurt demons?
Can Silver hurt demons? Vampires or demons are not vulnerable to silver: youn need Ash-wooden weapons for a Vampire, and Saacred/Blessed/Magical weapons for Demons. Silver is regarded to be a pure and sacred metal, it’s very holy and blessed in many religions. What is the demon blade made of? Its blade is inscribed with symbols […]
Why is a baker important?
Why is a baker important? In addition to actually baking the goods, the baker is frequently also responsible for ordering materials and supplies and overseeing subordinates as well. What are the duties of a baker? Baker Prepares, produces, and bakes breakfast pastries, breads, rolls, and some desserts. Develops new products for a la carte or […]
How do you catch big frogs?
Why are some cities named forts?
Why are some cities named forts? Not all such locations grew to be cities but other features ranging from cemeteries to purely natural geographic features may bear the name fort due to the original military use of the property. What are Texas cities named after? How 50 Texas Cities Got Their Names HOUSTON. The state’s […]
Where did the 1967 riots start?
Where did the 1967 riots start? Composed mainly of confrontations between black residents and the Detroit Police Department, it began in the early morning hours of Sunday July 23, 1967, in Detroit, Michigan. The precipitating event was a police raid of an unlicensed, after-hours bar then known as a blind pig, on the city’s Near […]
What size torque wrench do I need?
What size torque wrench do I need? The bigger the drive and the longer the handle, the more torque they can deliver. Most home mechanics will find that a torque wrench with a 1/2-inch drive and at least an 18-inch handle is the best choice for lug nuts, cylinder heads, suspension bushings, and other likely […]