What is the purpose of string diagram?

What is the purpose of string diagram? String diagram is one of the useful and simplest techniques of method study. It can be defined as a scale model on which a thread is used to trace the path or movements of man and materials during a specified sequence of events. What is a string chart? […]

Which IUD has been recalled?

Which IUD has been recalled? This April, a batch of ParaGard T 380A Intrauterine Copper Contraceptive devices were recalled due to a lack of assurance of sterility, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Is the Mirena crash real? Anecdotal evidence indicates that some women, however, experience a phenomenon which has been dubbed the […]

Can you eat corned beef on a gluten-free diet?

Can you eat corned beef on a gluten-free diet? Unlike many traditional Irish favorites that contain gluten such as breaded Fish and Chips, Boxty (potato pancakes), or Irish Pasties (beef and cabbage turnovers), Corned Beef and Cabbage is an Irish favorite that can easily be made gluten-free. Is Hereford corned beef gluten-free? Gluten Free. HEREFORD […]

What is the main idea of Flight by John Steinbeck?

What is the main idea of Flight by John Steinbeck? In Flight by John Steinbeck we have the theme of innocence, coming of age, resilience, hardship, struggle, escape and loss. What happened in the story Flight? “Flight” is a short story by American writer John Steinbeck, first published in his collection The Long Valley. It […]

Is Voltaren the same as ibuprofen?

Is Voltaren the same as ibuprofen? Are Ibuprofen and Voltaren the Same Thing? Ibuprofen and Voltaren (diclofenac) are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used for the treatment of pain, fever, and inflammation. Ibuprofen is available in generic form and over-the-counter (OTC). Brand names for ibuprofen include Advil and Motrin. What medications does Voltaren interact with? Voltaren […]

How much freon does it take?

How much freon does it take? The General Rule of Thumb When estimating the amount of refrigerant in a residential A/C unit, the general rule that is used is in the 2-4 pounds per ton of cooling. Say, for instance, recharging a 3-ton A/C with a 35-foot line set from empty level will need an […]

What makes a fish a vertebrate?

What makes a fish a vertebrate? It describes a life-form rather than a taxonomic group. As members of the phylum Chordata, fish share certain features with other vertebrates. These features are gill slits at some point in the life cycle, a notochord, or skeletal supporting rod, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, and a tail. What […]

How are clones different from the original?

How are clones different from the original? Myth: Clones are a specific animal’s DNA grafted onto another body. The only difference is that clones don’t require a sperm and egg to come together to make an embryo. Clone embryos are made by using a whole cell or cell nucleus from a donor animal and fusing […]

How much are Richard and Emily Gilmore worth?

How much are Richard and Emily Gilmore worth? Before retiring and starting his own business, Richard was the Vice President at Gurmon & Driscoll Insurance Corp. Due to his jobs, experience, and family money on both sides, it’s assumed the Gilmores are worth upwards of $50 million. Why did Lorelai leave home? Lorelai refused to […]

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