Do Herkimer Diamonds have any value?

Do Herkimer Diamonds have any value? Herkimer diamonds are rated at 7.5 on the scale, so while they don’t command the prices that diamonds and sapphires do, we can see why they are more valued than amethyst. Interesting to note that as a society we deem a gemstone more valuable based on how hard it […]

Do chocolate bars contain gluten?

Do chocolate bars contain gluten? Cadbury. You might be delighted to learn that most of Cadbury’s products are, in fact, gluten-free. Yippee!! Cadbury’s is the second-largest confectionery brand in the world and one of the UK’s most popular chocolate brands. Which brand of chocolate is gluten-free? Before you get too excited, according to the most […]

Why did the Chinese trade with the Dutch?

Why did the Chinese trade with the Dutch? After Shang ordered them to withdraw to Taiwan on September 19 of 1622, the Dutch raided Amoy on October and November. The Dutch intended to “induce the Chinese to trade by force or from fear” by raiding Fujian and Chinese shipping from the Pescadores. Who did Qing […]

What materials is a guitar made of?

What materials is a guitar made of? The majority of material comprising a modern guitar is wood. Typical woods used for the body and neck of a guitar today are Mahogany, Ash, Maple, Basswood, Agathis, Alder, Poplar, Walnut, Spruce, and holly. Woods from around the world are also incorporated into modern acoustic and electric guitars. […]

What do you say when you enter a mosque?

What do you say when you enter a mosque? The typical greeting in Arabic for those entering mosques is “Assalam Allaikum” which means “peace be upon you.” The correct return is “Wa alaikum-as-salam” which means “peace be upon you too.” Tourists are obviously not expected to return the greeting, but doing so shows great respect. […]

Is juice a long U sound?

Is juice a long U sound? Look out for “ui” words like juice. Say the name of the word aloud. Do you hear the vowel saying its own name? If you do, it’s a long vowel sound. Is juice a long U or short U? Look out for “ui” words like juice. Say the name […]

Is Sparrow a rare bird?

Is Sparrow a rare bird? Once a bird that was synonymous with the chirping heard outside every home, the house sparrow is today a rare species in the capital — despite being Delhi’s state bird. … Why are there no more sparrows? With their population drastically declining largely in urban areas over the last 20 […]

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