What are online classifieds?

What are online classifieds? Online Classifieds are a medium where people can place advertisements offering services or selling their products or websites to others. In this way, people can benefit from both the sides of the transaction by logging in to online classifieds, reading the classified and replying to it. What are classified apps? Top […]

Who invented flour mill?

Who invented flour mill? Oliver Evans Where was the first flour mill built? Minnesota What is invented by Oliver Evans? high-pressure steam engine What did Oliver Evans invent in 1802? Later in life Evans turned his attention to steam power, and built the first high-pressure steam engine in the United States in 1801, developing his […]

What is IIS used for?

What is IIS used for? Most commonly, IIS is used to host ASP.NET web applications and static websites. It can also be used as an FTP server, host WCF services, and be extended to host web applications built on other platforms such as PHP. There are built-in authentication options such as Basic, ASP.NET, and Windows […]

Is Clostridium killed by heat?

Is Clostridium killed by heat? Spores of foodborne bacterial patho- gens, such as Bacillus cereus, Clostridium botulinum, and Clostridium perfringens, are very heat-resistant and usually cannot be killed during processing without compromising the nutritional value and/or organoleptic properties of the food. Does boiling kill Clostridium perfringens? The Organism: Clostridium perfringens are anaerobic bacteria that can […]

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