What animals went extinct in New Zealand?

What animals went extinct in New Zealand? Extinctions since Māori arrival Common name Scientific name Range Eastern moa Emeus crassus New Zealand (South Island) Eyles’s harrier Circus eylesi New Zealand Giant moa Dinornis sp. New Zealand Haast’s eagle Hieraaetus moorei New Zealand (South Island) What did Māori hunt? New Zealand’s first people, the Maori, arrived […]

What is another term for euphemism?

What is another term for euphemism? Euphemism Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for euphemism? substitute understatement softening underplaying politeness indirect term mild alternative alternative expression alternative word coy term What’s the antonym of euphemism? What is the opposite of euphemism? conciseness directness straightforwardness terseness What are examples of euphemism? Examples of Euphemisms passed […]

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