What causes ligament damage?

What causes ligament damage? Common causes of ligament tears are twisting body parts or hard or awkward landings. Tears often happen when ligaments are stretched fully and then encounter some form of impact or trauma. Ankle sprains, a mild torn ligament in the ankle, can happen when you are walking or running, land awkwardly, and […]

Is the golden goose a fable?

Is the golden goose a fable? “The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs” is one of Aesop’s Fables, numbered 87 in the Perry Index, a story that also has a number of Eastern analogues. Many other stories contain geese that lay golden eggs, though certain versions change them for hens or other birds that lay […]

Why is Patrick so dumb?

Why is Patrick so dumb? Starfish, for starters, don’t have a brain but have a complex nervous system, and that explains why Patrick is dumb. It was later revealed that SpongeBob grabbed a piece of brain coral instead of Patrick’s head, which they then put back into Patrick’s body, thus reverting to his dumb self. […]

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