What are the five axes of the DSM?

What are the five axes of the DSM? Why Multiaxial Diagnosis Is Outdated What Are the Five Axes in a Multiaxial Diagnosis? Axis I: Clinical Disorders. Axis II: Personality Disorders or Mental Retardation. Axis III: Medical or Physical Conditions. Axis IV: Contributing Environmental or Psychosocial Factors. Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning. What are Axis […]

What is the nature of clinical psychology?

What is the nature of clinical psychology? Clinical psychology is an integration of science, theory, and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote subjective well-being and personal development. What is nature and scope of psychology? The nature and scope of psychology Psychology is the study […]

How does cognitive psychology help people?

How does cognitive psychology help people? Cognitive psychology helps us to understand ourselves and others, learn more effectively, change unwanted behaviors, and help in managing some mood disorders. This research has opened up new schools and ways of treating mental illness. What are the roles of cognitive psychology? Cognitive psychologists examine internal mental processes such […]

What are psychologists interested in?

What are psychologists interested in? Psychology is the scientific study of how people behave, think and feel. Psychologists study everything about the human experience from the basic workings of the human brain to consciousness, memory, reasoning and language to personality and mental health. Why is cognitive psychology interesting? From understanding how cognitive processes change over […]

What is a self centered person like?

What is a self centered person like? A self-centered person is excessively concerned with himself and his own needs. You probably know some people who always talk about themselves, make every issue about themselves, and are generally all about “Me, me, me!” People like that are self-centered: as the word suggests, they are overly centered […]

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