What is shadow in African?

What is shadow in African? Swahili Translation. kivuli. More Swahili words for shadow. kivuli noun. shadow. How do you say shadow in other languages? In other languages shadow American English: shadow /ˈʃædoʊ/ Arabic: ظِلّ Brazilian Portuguese: sombra. Chinese: 影子 Croatian: sjena. Czech: stín tvar. Danish: skygge. Dutch: schaduw. What is RFQ process? A request for […]

What are the parts of a floppy disk?

What are the parts of a floppy disk? Internal parts of a 3½-inch floppy disk. A hole that indicates a high-capacity disk. The hub that engages with the drive motor. A shutter that protects the surface when removed from the drive. The plastic housing. A polyester sheet reducing friction against the disk media as it […]

What does RT in text mean?

What does RT in text mean? Real Time -or- ReTweet. Actually it is Retweet, and when used this way, RT means that the tweet you’re looking at was forwarded to you by another user. For the largest list of Internet acronyms and text message jargon, click on “more info” below! What does Dodge Charger RT […]

Is there phosphorus in grapes?

Is there phosphorus in grapes? 30 mg of phosphorus. 3 mg of sodium. 0.11 mg of zinc. 4.8 mg of vitamin C. What nutrients are in black grapes? Black grapes contain the following vitamins and minerals: Potassium. Vitamin C. Vitamin K….Nutrition Calories: 31. Fat: 0 grams. Cholesterol: 0 grams. Carbohydrates: 8 grams. Sugar: 7 grams. […]

Who was Lee Marvin girlfriend?

Who was Lee Marvin girlfriend? Michelle Triola Marvin Was Marvin ever married If yes With who? Michelle Marvin, who legally changed her surname to Lee Marvin’s even though they never married, made legal history in 1976 when the California Supreme Court ruled that she and other unmarried people could sue for property division when a […]

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