What is meant by ultrasound reflection?

What is meant by ultrasound reflection? Reflection in ultrasound refers to the return of the sound wave energy back to the transducer. This principle is what allows the image to be generated by the ultrasound machine. Generally, more reflection results in a more hyperechoic (brighter) image. What is reflection and refraction of ultrasound? The greater […]

How is CFL number calculated?

How is CFL number calculated? What is a Courant number? The Courant number in one-dimension is defined as C ≡ u∆t ∆x where u is the characteristic wave speed of the system, ∆t is the time-step of the numerical model, and ∆x is the spacing of the grid in the numerical model. What is CFL […]

Do guys with deep voices have more testosterone?

Do guys with deep voices have more testosterone? Deeper voices have been linked to having more surviving children and grandchildren, higher testosterone and lower stress hormones, and longer-term survival in men. What foods make your voice deeper? Increasing your testosterone hormones signals your whole body towards masculinity. It will also send signals to your throat […]

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