Does fafsa money count as income?

Does fafsa money count as income? Many students are provided part-time jobs working at their college as part of their FAFSA award. Although this money you earn is intended to ease the financial burden of attending college, the income is fully taxable on your tax return just like any other employment earnings. Does grant money […]

When was apple cider invented?

When was apple cider invented? 55 B.C. What is the origin of apple cider? There is evidence that Celts in Britain made cider from crab apples as long ago as 3000 BCE, but the Roman invasion introduced apple cultivars and orcharding techniques to England. How long has Apple Cider been around? 50 million years ago […]

What honor really means?

What honor really means? Noun. honor, homage, reverence, deference mean respect and esteem shown to another. honor may apply to the recognition of one’s right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition. What does honor in the Bible mean? So, honor is defined as, “showing esteem for one deserving of respect, attention, […]

How much does a hockey mask cost?

How much does a hockey mask cost? Goalie masks have come a long way from their fiberglass, highly un-protective, “Friday-the-13th-style” roots. Any upper level helmet today can cost upwards of $2,500. Does Walmart have hockey mask? GHS Hockey Mask – – Where can I get a hockey helmet? Get the essential protection and […]

How is a starfish classified?

How is a starfish classified? Starfish belong to the class Asteroidea, derived from the Greek words “aster” (a star) and “eidos“ (form, likeness, appearance). There are more than 1600 species of starfish alive today, and they have an important role in the community structure of the ocean floor. Does a starfish have a vertebral column? […]

How does landfills affect water?

How does landfills affect water? Landfills, even well engineered ones, can cause air and water pollution. The predominant concern is groundwater and surface water pollution from runoff. After water has filtered through a landfill, it is called leachate. Leachate commonly contains high concentrations of chemicals, heavy metals and microbial life. Can a landfill contaminate groundwater? […]

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