What is electron configuration of EU? Xe 4f7 6s2 What is EU on the periodic table? Europium (Eu), chemical element, a rare-earth metal of the lanthanide series of the periodic table. How do you find the hyphen notation? Nuclear Notation Note: in hyphen notation, the number after the hyphen is the mass number (protons + […]
What is the current population of Hawaii 2020?
What is the current population of Hawaii 2020? 1,455,271 How many pure Hawaiians are left 2020? There may now be as few as 8,000 pure-blood Native Hawaiians remaining in the world. What race are most Hawaiians? You will find a “mixed plate” of ethnic groups in Hawaii; 38.6% of Hawaii’s population is Asian, 24.7% is […]
Where should DOD employees look for guidance on safeguarding classified?
Where should DOD employees look for guidance on safeguarding classified? Executive Order 13526, DoDM 5200.01, and the NISPOM provide guidance for safeguarding classified information from unauthorized disclosure. Who should you report actual or suspected unauthorized disclosure of classified information? If you see or suspect unauthorized disclosure, first take steps to protect the classified information. Then […]
How frequently should dogs be bathed?
How do you get rid of the smell of collard greens?
How do you get rid of the smell of collard greens? Use white vinegar and a dash of sugar to diminish the smell and improve the flavor of your finished greens. How do you get the bitter taste out of turnip greens? Combining turnip greens with strongly flavored seasonings reduces the bitterness of their taste. […]
Why do all graves face east?
Why do all graves face east? The concept of being buried facing east to represent meeting the new day or the next life is also evident in Christianity and Christian burials. Most Christians tend to bury their dead facing east. This is because they believe in the second coming of Christ and scripture teaches that […]
Should I soak green beans before cooking?
Should I soak green beans before cooking? In short, soaking might decrease your cooking time slightly. Otherwise, there’s no good reason to do it. However, with no soaking, do be sure to rinse the beans thoroughly before cooking. I generally rinse 3-4 times with fresh water to get rid of as much dirt as possible. […]
Can you shrink a lawn mower belt?
What is the simplex method and its advantage over graphical method?
What is the simplex method and its advantage over graphical method? The main advantages of simplex method is that these type of computerized methods are more easy to handle and these are much more powerful than the old graphical method and these also provides the optimal kind of solution to the results. Why we use […]