Does a haiku have to rhyme?

Does a haiku have to rhyme? Traditional Haiku Structure There are only three lines, totaling 17 syllables. The first line is 5 syllables. A haiku does not have to rhyme, in fact usually it does not rhyme at all. Does a personification poem have to rhyme? Using one of the personification sentences you wrote in […]

Why did President Hoover urge Congress to RFC?

Why did President Hoover urge Congress to RFC? President Hoover urged Congress to institute the RFC because he believed that the economy suffered from… President Hoover’s economic policies had failed. What was the purpose of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation *? Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), U.S. government agency established by Congress on January 22, 1932, to […]

Who is the current ruler of the Ukraine?

Who is the current ruler of the Ukraine? Volodymyr Zelensky What happened Viktor Yushchenko? Following an assassination attempt in late 2004 during his election campaign, Yushchenko was confirmed to have ingested hazardous amounts of TCDD, the most potent dioxin and a contaminant in Agent Orange. He suffered disfigurement as a result of the poisoning, but […]

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