What causes a decrease in bile production? The decrease or cessation of bile formation or flow is known as cholestasis. Cholestasis can result from the impaired canalicular secretion of bile, ductular disease, or obstruction of bile flow through the biliary tree. Causes of decreased canalicular secretion include drugs, sex hormones, and inherited defects. What happens […]
How do you identify a Kimball piano?
How do you identify a Kimball piano? Logo. Identify a Kimball piano by the unmistakable logo. Checking the serial number in conjunction with identifying the logo will ensure that you have an authentic Kimball piano. The logo consists of two laurel leaves that form a “U” shape with the stems crossing over at the bottom […]
Why is my defrost not working?
Why is my defrost not working? A bad heater core will result in no heat, which means a non-functioning defroster. If the blower motor is malfunctioning, the defroster will not work. Issues can range from a blown fuse to a bad blower speed controller. The blower motor itself can also go bad and need replacement. […]
What did Douglas MacArthur want to do to Japan?
What did Douglas MacArthur want to do to Japan? Designated as the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, General Douglas MacArthur directed the occupation mission with absolute authority. The primary purpose of the occupation was to disarm Japan and to punish the war criminals so that Japan would never again be a menace to the […]
What is another word for drinking water?
What is another word for drinking water? beverage; drink; drinkable; potable; water. Which water do you consider safe for drinking? Potable water is water that is considered safe to drink. Tap water has usually been treated by the local municipality to make it potable, but there are times when the supply has been contaminated and […]
Does Laos have a command economy?
Does Laos have a command economy? Laos’s economic type is a mixed command and market economy. After the revolution of 1975, the Laotian government began a command style of socialism… Is Laos a centrally planned economy? Following independence, Laos established a Soviet-type planned economy. Despite rapid growth, Laos remains one of the poorest countries in […]
When driving at highway speeds you should look 12-15 seconds ahead Which is?
When driving at highway speeds you should look 12-15 seconds ahead Which is? Quote From The CDL Manual: Most good drivers look 12-15 seconds ahead. That means looking ahead the distance you will travel in 12-15 seconds. At lower speeds, that’s about one block. At highway speeds it’s about one-quarter of a mile. When looking […]
How do I convert Undf video formats?
How do I convert Undf video formats? Since undf is due to an undefined set of audio-video codecs, there is no specific method to convert undf to mp4, mkv, mp3 avi etc. Subsequently, there is no undf converter or undf player to directly convert or play these files with appropriate codecs. Why won’t VLC play […]
How much did a new house cost in 1990?
How much did a new house cost in 1990? The Changing Math Behind Homeownership in the U.S. Year Median Home Value Median Rent Year Median Home Value Median Rent 1990 $79,100 $447 2000 $119,600 $602 2010 $221,800 $901 How much were houses in the 80s? Houses weren’t always this expensive. In 1940, the median home […]