What substances crossed the dialysis membrane?

What substances crossed the dialysis membrane? Glucose, starch and iodine (potassium iodide) will readily pass through the membrane of the dialysis tubing. How is dialysis tubing different from a cell membrane? How does a biological membrane differ from the dialysis tubing? The dialysis tubing only cares about size. A biological membrane is composed of phospholipid […]

Do gerbils play dead?

Do gerbils play dead? They dig burrows that they can escape into. Gerbils stomp their feet to warn each other of nearby predators, so they can escape in time. As a last resort, they can also play dead to discourage predators. Are gerbils aggressive? Gerbils are popular pets and social animals that do best in […]

Who is the most famous interracial couple?

Who is the most famous interracial couple? Maya Rudolph and Paul Thomas Anderson Actress Maya Rudolph and film director Paul Thomas Anderson are one of Hollywood’s most famous unwed celebrity couples, having been together for almost 20 years. However, Rudolph often refers to him as her husband, especially since they have four children together. Who […]

How did Duke Ellington learn the piano?

How did Duke Ellington learn the piano? Ellington was born on April 29, 1899, to James Edward Ellington and Daisy (Kennedy) Ellington in Washington, D.C. Both his parents were pianists. At age seven, Ellington began taking piano lessons from Marietta Clinkscales. Daisy surrounded her son with dignified women to reinforce his manners and teach him […]

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