Why are vampires killed by wooden stakes?

Why are vampires killed by wooden stakes? The most popular and well-known method of killing a vampire is a stake through the heart, though depending on lore, a stake through the stomach may be enough. The stake prevented them from rising once possessed, discouraging possession and preventing the deceased from rising again. … Are vampires […]

Can I push my IUD out?

Can I push my IUD out? Yes, it’s possible, but it’s also not that common, according to the most reputable numbers experts have. This is what’s known as IUD expulsion, which is essentially when your uterus pushes out the IUD. What if I can only feel one of my IUD strings? If a person cannot […]

What is a Jaguars kill rate?

What is a Jaguars kill rate? The mean kill rate for all jaguars was 4.3 days ± 4.4 SD between known consecutive kills. The time interval to the next subsequent kill by jaguars increased with increasing prey size. Jaguars also increased the length of time at a carcass as prey size increased. How many jaguars […]

Who invented gingerbread cookies?

Who invented gingerbread cookies? We can be pretty confident that some form of it originated in the Middle East as that part of the world brought spices to the western world, but there are references that go as far back as the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. Queen Elizabeth I (reigned 1558 – 1603) is credited […]

Is sensitivity a good thing?

Is sensitivity a good thing? “Sensitivity has many strengths, such as good awareness of what is going on around us, empathy, more creative thinking, the ability to deeply process and think about big issues, etcetera. “Sensitive people feel more easily stressed by a deadline but are also especially empathetic and good in understanding people.” Why […]

What is drawing and its benefits?

What is drawing and its benefits? Creativity and Thinking – Art and drawing encourages a creative thought process in your brain that makes you think outside of the box. It strengthens your problem-solving skills and helps bring out the creativity that may be hiding in you. What makes drawing significant to design? Hand-drawn concepts allow […]

What is Eon era period epoch?

What is Eon era period epoch? An epoch, (not to be confused with epic), like an era, is a period of time. An eon is a very long time indeed. It is the longest period of geological time. Geologists subdivide an eon into eras. A geological era is subdivided into periods, epochs, and stages. What […]

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