Do we all have a doppelganger?

Do we all have a doppelganger? The word doppelgänger comes from the German for double-walker and refers to a biological, non-related, lookalike. It is said that we all have a doppelgänger out there somewhere and with nearly 8 billion people on the planet maybe that is quite a likelihood; or maybe it is just down […]

Who died first rolls or Royce?

Who died first rolls or Royce? Rolls-Royce has been synonymous with Derby, after Charles Rolls and Henry Royce set up a factory in Nightingale Road in 1907-08. Making cars gave way to aero-engine production but the partnership ended when Rolls crashed in July 1910, making him the first Englishman to die in an air crash. […]

What is the role of federalism in emergency management?

What is the role of federalism in emergency management? Federalism underpins the principles of cost-sharing that govern the national response to major domestic emergencies. The federal government has long provided financial assistance to encourage state, local, and private actors to prevent and respond to domestic emergencies, both natural and manmade. Is working for Homeland Security […]

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