What does AMC mean in text?

What does AMC mean in text? AMC Internet Slang Abbreviation 2 AMC American Movie Classics Slang, Television, Technology 1 AMC American Motors Corporation Chat, Texting 1 AMC Another Machine Crashed Slang 1 AMC Another Major Catastrophe Car, Car Brand, Cars 1 AMC Asynchronous Message Communication Slang, Message, Pattern What do the initials AMC stand for? […]

Why is enkidu a hero?

Why is enkidu a hero? Enkidu is more of a heroic character when we first meet him. He has unusual strength for a normal man, greater than that of dozens of wild animals. He also possesses the knowledge of many men. He fights many evils in his short stint at life. Why is Gilgamesh a […]

Is there oil in air shocks?

Is there oil in air shocks? Those shocks need a prescribed amount of oil to work properly. You adjust the damping with different weight oils – NOT different oil levels. Can I use DOT 5 in my Harley? DOT 5 brake fluid is stipulated for nearly all motorcycles from Harley-Davidson and Buell roughly from model […]

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