Why is whaling bad?

Why is whaling bad? 5) Whales are full of persistent toxins, like mercury and PCBs. As long-lived and slow-growing animals they ‘bioaccumulate’ these in their blubber. This causes them problems when fighting disease and breeding, and can also makes them toxic if eaten. Is there an international ban on whaling? In 1982 the IWC decided […]

Where does the word provisions come from?

Where does the word provisions come from? The Old French noun comes from Latin prōvisiō (stem prōvisiōn- ) “an act or action of seeing ahead, foresight, provision (against something),” a derivative of the verb prōvidēre “to see ahead, in advance, or beforehand; consider or take steps in advance; exercise forethought or caution; supply, provide.” Prōvidēre […]

What medications are allowed on hospice?

What medications are allowed on hospice? The most commonly prescribed drugs include acetaminophen, haloperidol, lorazepam, morphine, and prochlorperazine, and atropine typically found in an emergency kit when a patient is admitted into a hospice facility. Is insulin considered life support? While life without insulin was inconceivable, a group of researchers, led by Roberto Coppari, professor […]

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