What animals are illegal to own in Louisiana? Across the state, there is a ban on owning any of the following: Black Bears. Grizzly Bears. Polar Bears….And the following ‘big cats’: Tigers. Lions. Leopards. Jaguars. Cheetahs. Cougars or Mountain Lions. All the subspecies of the above listed. Hybrids of the above listed species. What states […]
Do Japanese schools have clubs?
Do Japanese schools have clubs? In most schools, there are two types of extracurricular clubs: sports clubs, such as baseball, football, judo, kendo, track, tennis, swimming, softball, volleyball, and rugby; culture clubs, such as English, broadcasting, calligraphy, science, mathematics. What is the number 1 sport in Japan? baseball Is dating allowed in Japanese high schools? […]
Who has the most fumbles in one game?
Who has the most fumbles in one game? Most fumbles, game: 10; Phil-Pitt “Steagles” vs. New York Giants, October 9, 1943; Detroit Lions vs. Who has the most career fumbles in a Super Bowl? Roger Staubach What player holds the record for most rushing yards in a single Super Bowl? Timmy Smith Why is it […]
Why is whaling bad?
Why is whaling bad? 5) Whales are full of persistent toxins, like mercury and PCBs. As long-lived and slow-growing animals they ‘bioaccumulate’ these in their blubber. This causes them problems when fighting disease and breeding, and can also makes them toxic if eaten. Is there an international ban on whaling? In 1982 the IWC decided […]
Will you get kicked out of the military for a DUI?
Will you get kicked out of the military for a DUI? Consequences of a DUI When You’re Enlisted Can a DUI get you kicked out of the military? Yes, it is possible to get discharged; however, that’s not the usual punishment. Every branch handles DUIs differently. For example, if you’re an officer or an NCO, […]
How long does it take to heal from a shark bite?
What did Buddy the German shepherd accomplish in 1928?
What did Buddy the German shepherd accomplish in 1928? He traveled the United States and Canada to promote the use of guide dogs for people who are blind or visually impaired, as well as the right of people with guide dogs to access restaurants, hotels, transportation, and other places that are open to the general […]
Is there a communion in Islam?
Is there a communion in Islam? Rose Aslan, California Lutheran University assistant professor, said there is not a direct parallel to communion in Islam. There are no universal foods for Islamic traditions, except for eating dates when breaking the Ramadan fast and ensuring meat is halal, she said. What is the Shahadah and what does […]
Can a misdemeanor follow you to another state?
Can a misdemeanor follow you to another state? Misdemeanors are lesser crimes that carry shorter jail times and fines than felonies. When a person has a warrant out for their arrest for a misdemeanor crime, it will not necessarily lead to them being extradited to the state where the warrant was issued. Do misdemeanors carry […]
Where does the word provisions come from?
Where does the word provisions come from? The Old French noun comes from Latin prōvisiō (stem prōvisiōn- ) “an act or action of seeing ahead, foresight, provision (against something),” a derivative of the verb prōvidēre “to see ahead, in advance, or beforehand; consider or take steps in advance; exercise forethought or caution; supply, provide.” Prōvidēre […]